Chapter 17

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"Mark, Im sorry," I bent down on my knees as I held his hand in mine.

Mark was looking at me blanky and it shattered my heart into pieces.

"P-Please love, give me another chance to make this right," I pleaded, tears streaming down my face, but nothing changed he was still staring at me like I'm someone he doesnt know.

I sobbed as I placed his hands on my wet cheeks, "Please..."

"M-Mark... Please,"

I opened my eyes, breathing heavily trying to catch some air.

It was a dream...

Somehow I felt relieved when I realized that I was dreaming, but it felt so real tho, my pillow is now wet because of tears.

I put my hands on my chest, my heart is pounding so fast and loud that I can almost hear it.

I tried to close my eyes again, with the hopes of getting enough sleep but to no avail I didnt.

Everytime I close my eyes, my mind will always be filled by him and only him.

It was always been him, for the past 6 years that I was away, Mark always had his ways to cross my mind, never did he escape.

Each day that I wasnt on Mark's side, I cant help but to think about him. Is he doing okay? Is he still thinking about me? Does he still love me? Or has he found someone better?

The thought of Mark being in someone else's arms, I cant imagine the pain I would feel seeing the man I've loved for the past years being someone else's home, the thought of it is making my heart ache. It would be selfish of me to say that I'd rather want him to wait for me so that he'd miss me than him finding someone better.

"Vee is already home na," Vee said smiling as he pull Mark closer snuggling on his lover's neck.

"I will always come back to where my heart lies, I'll always find my way home, I promise..."

"Am I already too late?" I asked myself as I stared blankly at the ceiling above me.

I can still remember how I tried so hard to forget him, I even tried to love Ploy again but failed.

I tried to be happy even without him beside me, but every little thing I do reminds me of him. Everyday when I wake up he's the first thing that'll cross my mind, and when I fall asleep he's the only person in my dreams.

I thought maybe, it was all just the guilt and regrets, maybe I couldnt forget him because of how bad I've felt for everything but no, being away for years made me realize how much I love him, how much I dont want to lose him.

I promised him I'd come back, I did and its not too late right?

I know I'm being selfish, but why do I feel happy knowing he'd been waiting for me all these years?

I want him back, and I would do everything to have him back, even if it means making him fall inlove with me all over again.

I was cut off from my thoughts when I felt my phone ringing on the bedside table.

Win calling....

It was my bestfriend, Win.

He's mad at me right now, but I am also thankful because he's been the one that has been updating me about Mark all these years.

Win and Team also came here at my place yesterday, good thing P'Yoon took Can out for lunch, Team punched me in the face thrice, but I guess I deserve that.

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