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"It took you long enough, sucker"

That was the good morning i got from Ohm as I opened the door, I ignored him as i walked straight to the kitchen to grab two plate and set out breakfast for both myself and the crippled asshole of a brother i catered for.

'One day I'll kill him myself and happily go to jail' i thought to myself.

"Morning" i muttered absent mindedly to him.

"What you say cunt?" the dufous asked me.

I ignored him again, I was sure he heard me. Talking to him just meant more insults for me and i was far too cold and exhausted to be dealing with him this morning.

'why was he even up so early' i wondered and what game was going on so early in the morning? Who cares anyways.

I took his food to him at the sitting room and went ahead to drop it on the table so i don't get another pep session on him eating cold food.

I downed my own food hastily, quite in a hurry to leave that place and just go shower and sleep before he starts yelling profanities again.

I rushed upstairs, for once he didn't bother me much and i thanked the heavens for small mercies.

Stepping out of the shower with a tower wrapped around my waist i entered my room to find Ohm inside great, just great i Mean he let me off so easily.

I chose to still ignore him since I'm sure he expected me to react to him being in my room.

I'm not sure i understood him sometimes, i think along loosing his leg, he lost a part of his brain too; he just throws insults when he's mad and when he's not -i mean not like you can differentiate. Plus he blames me for everything, last month he hit the table in his room and the lamp fell and I was blamed. Did i mention i said he hit and that it was his room?

I wore my pyjamas and got into bed, if he wasn't saying what he was looking for, then I might as well ignore him and sleep.

I'll be twenty-two in three days and i had been dealing with him since i was thirteen. Eight years of verbal abuse from an idiot, who doesn't want to accept his life being over was his own fault and made me pay for it.

I started dating Penny since my senior year in highschool and she stayed behind because of me, attending a business school in the next town. It was a one hour drive and she didn't mind saying she'll leave this town whenever I was ready.

She had a month left to be done with the course and we'll probably follow the footsteps of the Lisa twins.

I'd been thinking about it since the news took the town. Jake, the guy who left with them was a good friend and he texted me last night saying if i ever needed a place to stay when i finally made up my mind, he had a room reserved.

I couldn't sleep because Ohm was still in my room, I'm sure he used his damn clutches because he was supposed to be down and not up. And what the hell was he doing in here.

I wasn't giving him the satisfaction of a reaction and I'm sure that was pissing him off somehow. He lived for reactions.

"Dad and mum will be coming back next month" he finally spoke.

Just great, just when i thought it couldn't get any worse. My parents coming back wasn't great news, my parents had been transferred to their new branch at Minnesota didn't think we should move, since all they needed to do was manage it till it was on his feet and they took long enough but apparently not long enough for my liking.

It's been four years, my dad and Ohm were exactly alike. My mom was the only one i looked forward to seeing.

I missed her.

He finally turned to leave, i could hear all his movements and it was nerve racking, just leave already.

He got weirder daily. He sat down for a good thirty minutes just to tell me my parents were returning, that was creepy. At a point i thought he was going to hit me with the clutches, it wouldn't be the first time.

With the thoughts of waking up early to prepare dinner, go pick up Penny and going to work i covered myself completely and drifted to sleep, with a lingering thought, there will be two Ohms soon enough.

My life couldn't get any worse.


Out of Hell #2Where stories live. Discover now