Chapter 8

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Before Luciano got home

Luciano's Pov 

My dad and I had to go out to a job but something about it felt off so I got some of my men's to come along as well.

(disclaimer I used google translate so it won't be 100% accurate)

Papà: Sei pronto figlio

Me: certo, i miei uomini seguiranno dietro di noi

Papà: anche tu pensi che qualcosa sia sospetto

Me: Sicuramente perché altrimenti avrebbero voluto solo noi e nessuno dei nostri uomini quando significava solo darci i soldi che possiedono e perché dovrebbero chiederti quando non sei più coinvolto

Papà: è vero

(Dad: You ready son 

Me: Sure am, my men will follow up behind us 

Dad: You think something is fishy as well 

Me: Definitely  why else would  they just want us and none of our men when it just meant to be giving us the money they own and why would they ask for you when you aren't involved anymore 

Dad: That is very true)

We soon get to a warehouse and as soon as we step in we knew instantly it was a trap 

Papà: Piccolo leone, questa è una trappola, qualunque cosa tu faccia non ti fa male, hai Joshua e i tuoi figli per tornare da me

Me: Papá, non posso lasciarti ferire

Papà: saremo io o te e avrai tutta la tua vita davanti a te, ho già deciso se si arriva a questo

(Dad: Little Lion this a trap whatever you do don't get hurt, you have Joshua and your children to get back to me 

Me: Papá I can't let you get hurt 

Dad: It will be me or you and you have your whole life ahead of you, I have already made up my mind if it comes down to it) 

We get to where they are when someone came out and I instantly recognise him as my best friend from Italy Malachi 

Malachi: Ah i miei ospiti sono arrivati

Me: perché vuoi da noi

Malachi: Mi hai sostituito Luca mi hai promesso che non avresti mai avuto un nuovo migliore amico o un nuovo amante ma io qui non solo hai un nuovo migliore amico ma stai uscendo con lui e hai due figli con lui

Me: Malachia, non ti ho mai promesso che ti avevo detto che saresti sempre stato il mio migliore amico, ma ti ho detto che se avessi trovato qualcuno che amavo avrei provato e perché mio padre è qui

Malachi: Volevo che mi guardasse uccidere suo figlio come ha fatto con mio padre, che ha dovuto vederlo uccidere mio fratello maggiore

Papà: non sapevo che tuo padre sarebbe stato lì, ma per favore non farlo Malachi ha un figlio e una figlia che aspettano a casa e suo figlio è solo un paio di mesi a pensarci

Malachi: Come hai fatto quando hai deciso di trasferirlo qui e lo ha costretto a lasciarmi il suo ragazzo

Me: è stato per il meglio che tu sia pazzo e adoro Joshua, Mara e Nate

(Malachi: Ah my guests have arrived 

Me: Why do you want from us 

Malachi: You replaced me Luca you promised you would never get a new best friend or a new lover but I here not only do you have a new best friend but you are dating him and have two children with him 

Me: Malachi I never promised you that I said you were always gonna be my best friend but I told you that if I found someone I love I would go for it and why is my dad here 

Malachi: I wanted him to watch me kill his son like he did to my dad who had to watch him kill my older brother 

Dad: I didn't know your Dad was going to be there but please don't do this Malachi he has a son and daughter waiting at home and his son is only a couple of months think about this 

Malachi: Like you did when you decided to move him here and made him leave me his boyfriend

Me: It was for the best you are crazy and I love Joshua and Mara and Nate) 

Suddenly I hear a bang but it never hit me instead I see my dad bleeding and he looks at me 

Papà: Little Lion, per favore, non portare mai i tuoi figli in questo business, passalo al tuo uomo migliore, ma non coinvolgerli, Little Lion dì alla mia piccola principessa quanto la amo e ci metta un anello con Joshua e non lasciarlo mai partire

(Dad: Little Lion please never bring your children into this business pass it on to your best man but don't bring them into, Little Lion tell my little princess how much I love her and put a ring on it with Joshua and never let him go) 

His breathing becomes shallow and he just goes limp in my arms all I see is red 

Me: hai ucciso mio padre, sei pazzo, perché dovresti farlo se mi amassi davvero non avresti provato a spararmi

(Me: You killed my Dad you are crazy, why would you do that if you truly loved me you wouldn't have tried to shoot me) 

I see he was about to shoot be again when a wolf who I knew as Noah comes in and pushes him to the floor and knocks the gun out 

Me: Men pick him up and bring him to the cells 

Noah shifts back 

Me: Thank you, Noah 

Noah: Ah no problem one your men called and explained the situation is your Dad ok

Me: No'...a...h he's gone 

Noah: Ssh it's ok, go home to Joshua alright 

That is what I did I went home and just collapsed on the floor saying È morto (he is dead) 

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