Chapter 9

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Luciano's pov

It has been a few weeks since my Dad died and Joshua has been amazing, Mara stays by my side missing her Nonnó but today is his funeral and I am going to speak on but right now we are all getting ready for his funeral, Joshua comes and hugs me and gives me a hug 

Josh: It's going to be ok alright Babe, he is going to so proud of you

Me: Babe I don't want my children to be involved in the mafia and nor did my Dad

Josh: I wanted to talk to you about that because I don't either

After that, we get changed and we changed Nate. Nate is officially six months old and Joshua and I have spoke and decided that after he turns one we will try for another baby. We soon get to the funeral where the priest speaks and next it is me. Where I speak in Italian 

Me: Mio padre era il miglior papà che chiunque potesse chiedere, ha rischiato la propria vita per salvare la mia in modo che i miei figli potessero crescere lì Papà mi ha supportato in tutto. Anche quando all'età di quindici anni ho deciso di affrontare un bambino che non è biologicamente mio, ma è ancora mia figlia e la nipote di mio padre. Tutti hanno visto che mio padre ha questo grande uomo duro, ma segretamente era un tenero e ha fatto tutto il possibile per rendermi felice e mia figlia felice ma papà, so che sei finalmente in pace e felice, ma ricorda che ti amiamo e non ti dimenticheremo mai . Riposa in pace, papà 

 (My Dad was the best Dad anyone could ask for, he risked his own life to save mine so my children can grow up with there Dad he has supported me through everything, even when at the age of 15 I decided to take on a baby who isn't biologically mine but she is still my daughter and my Dad's granddaughter, everyone saw my Dad has this big tough man but secretly he was a softy and he did everything he could to make me happy and my Daughter happy but Dad I know you are finally at peace and happy but remember we love you and will never forget you. Rest in peace Dad) 

After the funeral, we all go back to my house and I see my uncle Alessandro come to me 

Alessandro: Come stai affrontando Luca

Me: Giorno dopo giorno, mi manca così tanto, zio che è morto tra le mie braccia mentre mi stava salvando la vita

Alessandro: Piccolo leone non è colpa tua, sai che papà lo farebbe di nuovo in un battito di cuore

(Alessandro: How you coping Luca 

Me: Day by day, I miss him, uncle so much he died in my arms as he was saving my life 

Alessandro: Ssh little lion it isn't your fault you know you Dad would do it again in a heartbeat)

 Joshua comes up and gives me a hug when suddenly this women comes up who I know is my mother Bella and starts shouting at me.

Mum:Ho sempre saputo che eri un problema, volevo sbarazzarmi di te, ma no, tuo padre ti voleva, non importa quanto l'ho convinto che tutto ciò che farai è metterlo nei guai, ma no, non ha ascoltato ora sembra che sia morto a causa tua perché non prenderesti un proiettile perché quello che hai un marito che è una puttana o figli che non sono il tuo Luciano dovresti vergognarti di te stesso che uccidi tuo padre 

(I always knew you were trouble I wanted to get rid of you but no your dad wanted you no matter how much I convinced him that all you will do is bring him trouble but no he didn't listen now look he died because of you because you wouldn't take a bullet because what you have a husband who is a whore or children who aren't your Luciano you should be ashamed of yourself killing your own Dad) 

I just walked away not wanting to argue on a day like today.

After a few hours everyone goes home and tells me they know it wasn't my fault apart from Bella but I don't care what she thinks.

Joshua comes to me and hugs me 

Me: I want to make love to you 

Joshua: Then please do I love you 

I lift him up and taking him upstairs where I made love to him all night.

A few week later

Joshua's Pov

I have been feeling really sick lately so decided to get a pregnancy test, once I got home I see Luca in the kitchen with Nate and Mara cooking something.

Luca: hey baby where did you go

Me: The shop 

Luca: Is that a pregnancy test

Me: Yep I haven't been feeling well 

Luca: Well go take it then and then tell us 

Mara: Go on Mamá

Nate: Dada

I rush upstairs and take the east and bring it downstairs and place it on some tissue paper where we waited for five mintutes

Luca: Five minutes are up 

Me: You look

He picks it up and then comes round and spins me around 

Luca: I'm going to be a Daddy again this is the best gift you could give me apart from one thing 

Me: What's that

Luca: Marry me?

Me: 110% yes 

We hug and Mara soon joins us and Nate does grabby hands where we picked him and hugged him and soon we will be an even bigger family.

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