when their soldiers arrived

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When Their soldiers arrived...

They broke in our home and
took my dad away.
Told us to get out while they stay.

When their bombs hit our school
All the pencils dried.
All the teachers were dead and their bodies were thrown aside.

When they arrived at our village they stole our last hoard.
We tried to fight back but they didn't leave a single word.

When their soldiers arrived...
We found it impossible to breathe.
How can we bite without teeth?
Smoke filled the air...
You can't lose a battle you didn't fight.
It can't be fair.

When their soldiers arrived...
Fire and flames.
Cries and screams.
Children become orphans.
Justice became a political matter. Terrorist became another word for martyr.
When their soldiers arrived...

Poems (from the diaries of palestine) Where stories live. Discover now