My message to the world

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This chapter is a poem written by my friend Amrozia Khalid, and edited by me I hope you enjoy it 💕💕

I ask you aren't we humans too?
You see your family and you do your best to protect them.
To give them food and shelter.
And make sure no one would hurt them.
You value them too much and you love them.
But what would you do if someone killed them in front of your eyes!
And they die in your arms... Your little child closes his eyes while you hold his cold lifeless body.
How will you react?
Hopeless, helpless, frustrated, and angry!
You would cry and hug your baby.
You would Want to kill the ones who hurt them right?
So it's the same when you kill others heartlessly and aim the riffle on their heads.
What did they do to you?
I bet you don't even know either.
You just say that you have your orders... Would you kill your family if you got the orders to?
But when the person in front of you is a Muslim then it's okay!
They are humans like you!
Yet you kill them so easily
Easily and mercilessly.
People of Palestine, Burma, and Kashmir.
They are all humans.
But what are you?
You call yourself a human?
You're an ugly beast, an animal.
Just because they are Muslims they lose their right to be humans!
You hurt us so we get silenced.
But we can be more violent.
Being silenced is a form of abuse.
TV just telling lies and not the truth.
It's hard to eat and sleep when my Muslim sisters are sleeping hungry.
How to turn on the heater when my brothers and sisters and their kids die of cold!
I hear kids screaming from pain and fear.
Mothers crying for their child loss I hear.
Whenever I hear kids crying for help, and praying.
My heart screams, my throat burns.
My blood boils and my heart feels angry and hurt.
I just want to run toward those who lost their parents.
I want to hug them and give them the life they deserve.
And I want to destroy the ones who hurt them.
Oh please!!
I beg on my knees... Don't hurt them.
Stop it
Or just once treat them like you treat your own children.
Please, Ya Allah.
I ask you people
Are you deaf?
That you can't hear the cries of a mother!
Or are you blind that you can't see the truth!

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