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Chapter 2      ^_^ 

Sarah's P.o.v 

That Luke kid didn't end up calling me back after the last time he did. But I wish he had. It was really nice of him trying to call back and apologize to me for disturbing me and my time. It was hard for me to comprehend what was happening because a star like him I thought would be more stuck up and wouldn't really care. But in reality he was the total opposite. He made sure that he I knew he was sorry.

After that other girl called me and asked me if a ' Stanley' was here , I completely blew off. I wanted to crush my phone and go  right back to my studies but , I didn't , cause' 1) I don't want to buy a new phone and 2) I again still have enough money to buy a new phone and more importantly fix my one right now. I had cracked the screen of my phone about a month ago . I know there only like$50 to get fixed , but i like to save my money for more important things. 

Like my collage application form I have too get ready for, yeah collage I know. I can't believe I might be leaving my home and live in a dorm with another person I have had  no contact at all with before. It's kinda like living with a stranger for the first week, I guess you become friends after that or at least get used to each other.

I continue with my studies because getting C's and D's wont help me get to collage. My average is around 85% to 92%. Its pretty good you could say. 

But before I can even start my homework my phone messages goes off. Its my friend Candi.

From: Candi

* Did you start your homework yet? *

From : Me

To : Candi xx 

* Let me guess you didn't start your homework yet ? *

From : Candi xx

To : Me

* uhhh .......* 

From : Me

To: Candi xx

* Really Candi? You have to start on the homework it'll take forever for you knowing you get distracted easily* 

From : Candi xx

To : Me 

* Fine I'll go , talk to you later ! xxx ;) * 

From : Me

To: Candi xx

* bye Hun ! :) xxx * 

And with that our little conversation ended. Gawd Candi never got work done and when she did her boyfriend Calum did it for her with a little of her help. The most work I've see her done was write her name on the page and the date. And to be completely honest , Candi is really smart she just doesn't like doing to the work. She doesn't take any advantage to it , unlike me I take give some effort and take advantage of my smartness , not to be cocky y'know.

I finally get like 2 minutes of work done before my mom comes into my room.

" Sarah time for dinner " My mom smiles, she always make sure I eat , because I remember her telling me when she was little she used to starve because her parents didn't feed her properly , and for that I am grateful to have her as my mother. 

After finishing my dinner I see on my phone that I have a message from an unknown number. But I have an idea of who it is.

To: Me

From : Unknown Number

* Call me... maybe you can annoy me now* 



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