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Sorry for errors !!! Xxx

Chapter 4

Sarah's P.O.V

He messaged me. He actually messaged me. I wonder if I should text him back. He said I was able to annoy him , but that's not really my thing .... y'know right? I was in the middle of my homework right now too. So I'm just going to text him later.........Or maybe now.

To: Unknown Number

*Text you later can't now sorry Luke :/ *

I message him back and get straight to my work. I had to create my own dance for my Dance/Drama class and it was due in two days. The dance was supposed to be a solo, and even thought I was 17 years old , I was still nervous to dance by myself in front of my class. I still will never know how the people in So You Think You Can Dance, do it , there amazing dancers and I'm just a blob standing on a stage trying to make my body look pretty .... I guess.

That's weird , Luke didn't message me back. He usually does but , oh well , he's probably busy or something... I wonder what he's doing right now..........

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Luke's P.O.V


I felt like the biggest stalker in the whole int-ire world, I was now on Sarah's Facebook page looking at her pictures and posts she had made, and let me tell you she looked beautiful, her long black hair on her shoulders and her big brown eyes just lit up the world.

It was weird though that I was staking her , I felt weird about it . I didn't like what this girl was doing to me so I had to cut off all connection from her , for the best . Plus I have a suitable amount of friends , I have Aneska and the boys that's like 5 right ?

And also I have my stuffed penguin that I talk to a lot. So I guess that counts. I don't need anymore friends , right?

Well I don't need her. And she probably doesn't need me. Why would she need me? Exactly . She wouldn't need me, I just bring trouble to the world , a lot of people don't know but I have a Bipolar problem , so I can get a little wild here and then.

It's for the best all I'm going to do is hurt her and everyone else around me.

I push my thought aside and go back onto my phone to check out my Twitter, it was always blowing up 24/7. So I had been a little famous , we were still touring with One Direction on the TMH tour . We were their opening act . I hope we get to Tour the world on our own one day , not just an opening act.

And then my phone buzzed.

From: The Girl.

*Text you later can't now sorry Luke :/ *

Oh well , I dont wanna message back cause I felt like it. She doesn't deserve it.

I named it the girl because I wanted to. I don't know why I thought of that.. I had forgotten her name I think it was like Stacey or like Samantha I don't know I can't remember, kind of an ass for not remembering , oh well. I really don't care anymore what people say , I am kind of turning into a Michael Clifford , not caring what people think , not giving a sh*t anymore. But I really should be caring. But the thing that I care for most is our fans, not that we have a lot like Drake or Jay Z . Oh and also Mama Liz. My mom and the boys including Aneska. They have always been there and I hope they always will. Hopefully.

"Lucas get your lazy ass off the couch were going out!!!" Calum yelled through out the house. I don't feel like going out, they always dragged me along with them when I never wanted to go, which is always.

And I was hungry. So I wanted to eat right now not go out. It was ThanksGiving I wanted to stay home and eat turkey while watching T.V.

"But I'm hungry I wanna stay home " I yelled back , he'll no was I going out.

" Yes okay Lucas I know your hungry we'll eat when we're out"

Michael said instead of Calum. I wasn't expecting that. * on point annoyed face*. God he's such an ass.

"Fine , but your buying " I argued got up from my couch and started getting ready. I hated the public , mostly because I didn't like people that much. I hated people cause , they got me sick gave me diseases I didn't need , give me dirty looks, are annoying , their rude, stuck up and all around boring , I don't know how people survive out there , I hate it.

I can never imagine myself with a woman , not because I'm gay , he'll no.......but because I couldn't get the thought through my head that they would ever love me as much as I would have loved them. Cheesy yes I know but it's true. I wouldn't understand if they did. They couldn't. I was to bad for them. I was to bad for the world, I would die alone one day and I could see it coming it right now , I can see myself dying alone , with no one I ever loved in my life , and it sucks that I think that way but its true . Im bad for the world. And I hate the world, so in return the world hates me.

It's kind of a deal we made when I was 15 years old.

When I was in the 10th grade I had a girlfriend her name was Allie I believe , she was beautiful , blonde hair , green eyes. She was just a little bit shorter then me... which I loved. But one day after school something happened.....


I was just getting ready for school . I have everything I need , lunch money , phone with earphones , books and Phys.Ed clothes. I had gotten a text from my girlfriend , Allie , she was the best with her blonde hair and green eyes , she was amazing. Her smile lit up on the whole world.

The text said

* Hey babe , meet me after school by the football field , I have something to show you

Xx Allie *

After school I went to the football field , and saw something someone would never want to see.

My girlfriend was kissing one of my best friends Aaron. And that's when it happened. I hated the world , forever , and it would always hate me.

" Hey Aaron , uh why don't you go ahead and f*ck her , she's all yours " I spoke with venom in my words , I would never talk to him again or talk to her.

I was going to tell her I loved her , not anymore. The world would pay , its game on fuckers.

_ End Flashback_

And the game had never ended. Cause I'm not going to loose. And the world itself will pay. Sarah will pay.


Like it??!!?!?

Sorry it's been a while I hope this Is long enough next chap coming soon!!

Xx Angie xX ;)

Twitter : calum_from_yt

xx liz {aka lisa}
Twitter: @lissettestyles_

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