Chapter 1:

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Ok, so just a warning for you guys. This story consists of some self-harm, sexual abuse, self-hate, ect. If this in any way bothers you, don't read. I don't wanna make you guys uncomfortable. But if you are comfortable reading, then please enjoy!

Niall is one of those brothers who will beat up a guy whose a foot taller than him if they mess with his people. He's always been like that, especially with me. He doesn't tend to like anyone I date and will interigate them when they come over.

Of course, I go on tour with them almost always. Niall is too afraid to leave me home alone.

Our parents were killed in a fire. He's my legal guardian until I'm 18. Right now I'm 17. Niall is 19.

Everyone knows how over-protective he is and make fun of him for it. Me and Harry even have a little "game" we play. Whenever we see each other, we act as if we were in a relationship; just to push Niall's buttons of course. Harry would give me looks like...

 Harry would give me looks like

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At first Niall couldn't stand it

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At first Niall couldn't stand it. He refused to let Harry near me, definitely not alone. And he would yell at Hazza for some things he would say to me.One time, we were all going out for a walk on the beach. When I came out of my room, Harry gave me a look and told me, "Wow. You look nice Will." I blushed and thanked him. Niall however, did NOT like it. He pulled Harry to the side and looked like he was going to hit him.

Anyways, back to the curent situation. The band is about to leave for the forth tour. My best friend, James, is wanting me to stay.

"I'm tired of you being gone months at a time. I miss you too much." He pouted from the couch as I made popcorn for the film we were to watch. "I know. I'm sorry James. But you know how my brother is. He really doesn't want me staying alone." James through his hands in the air. "You won't be! You'll be staying with me, my mom, dad, sister, and brother, I don't know how much more not-alone you can get from there."

"You'll have to talk to Niall about it. He told me if I asked anymore, he'd make sure I stayed on the bus the whole tour." James sighed heavily, "Fine." We watched the film Nightmare Before Christmas. James swore it was a Christmas movie; I thought it was a halloween one. But it was only a week into December and the holiday was coming soon.

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