Chapter 2:

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"You're staring again, aren't you?" Harry voice was muffled from his lips being squished. A cold chill ran through my body, I was doing more than just staring.

"Am not." My voice shook and was not very convincing, "And how would you know?" Harry chuckled. "I know when I'm being stared at, love. And I know how it feels for you to stare at me."

"Shut up." Harry sat up but was still sitting between my legs. His back was against my chest; he could probably feel how hard my heart was beating.

"I can feel your heartbeat darling. What's got you so worked up?" He knew damn well. Harry looked over his shoulder at me, his face a lot closer than it normally is. If it was even possible, my rate began to climb even more. The monitor I was hooked to started to beat faster.

Harry looked at the lines rising and falling. He started laughing. "Damn. That thing sold you out love." He kept laughing so hard he started crying. I rolled my eyes and folded my arms over my chest. "Oh go lay back on your couch." I playfully pushed Harry backwards. He wasn't paying attention and started falling off the bed.

I quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him back to me. I pulled him a little too hard; as he ended up on top of me with his elbows beside my head. Harry was slightly out of breath. "Well that escilated quickly." He let out a small breath with a smile.

I was completely frozen. A little terrified if I'm being honest. My mouth opened but no words came out. "Might wanna close ya mouth sweetheart. Gonna catch flys." He used his finger to slowly lift my chin. My eyes were practically bulging out of my head. Harry had not moved at all from his position; he just sat there, staring at me. "So that chap uhh, what's his name? The one who brought you home?"

"James?" Harry nodded. "That's the one. What's the deal with you and him?" I shrugged, "There's no deal. We're just friends. Honestly, I would never date him." Harry smiled and said nothing else. Like he was content with his answer.

"Soo are you just going to sit there and stare at me or..." I trailed off, hoping he would move. But a little part of me didn't mind him being so close. That, of course, was the small part that wasn't insecure and accepted that I was in love with the boy. Harry slowly shook his head and smiled. "No, I think I'll look a little longer."

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

Shit, I shouldn't have said that.

Harry lowered his head ever so slightly, "I think it would be better to show you." The tip of his nose touched mine and he closed his eyes. I held my breath, absolutely petried. I had never been kissed before. Sure I've dated but none of them have ever kissed me before.

But kissing Harry didn't seem all that terrible. So I closed my eyes as his lips got closer to mine and waited for the suposed "fireworks".

But nothing happened.

And before I knew it, Niall was walking into the room and I shot up. "I can explain!" Three more boys were behind Niall and they stopped to look at me.

"Explain what Will?" Niall chuckled. I looked at the bed where Harry had been. He was now back on the couch and reading a book from one of the tables.

No fooking way that was a dream. It felt too real. I looked at Harry for an answer. He just shrugged and went back to his book. "Nothing. Just a really weird dream." I itched my ear and looked at my hand that was tracing Harry's tattoos. But how much was fake?

I heard Harry smirk, "Was it at least a good dream Will?" He didn't look up from his book. I just nooded, "Yea. It was strange. But pretty good till I was woke up." I looked at Niall who just threw his hands up.

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