Chapter 4:

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I finished telling her that Harry drove off and I ran after him. "Oh my goodness. That's a lot. Well he isn't here and I haven't heard from him." She forced out a breath and sipped her cup. "Anne, I need to find him. Do you think he'd be at his spot in the woods?"

Anne set her drink down on the table. "He very well could be. Let's go see." I walked to the sink and put both of our cups in it.

I drove about 10 minutes before stopping the car. On the right side of the car, there was another street. On the left was the woodline. His car was parked farther up the street.

I checked the time again and it was 1:47. I held my phone in my hands and squeezed it. What was I going to say to him? I'd obviously apologize he had to see it. I'd explain to him that it was totally one sided and I didn't kiss Zayn back.

"Will." Anne grabbed my shoulder. We were far into the woods. There was a small tree house about 15 feet from the ground. When we were kids me, Harry, and Niall had built it with our dad's help. I smiled at the memory. I hadn't been here in a few years. Harry came ever time he was home.

"Harry? Darling are you up there?" Anne stood at the foot of the ladder.

There was no answer so I started to the top. There was a small clearing off a cliff a few yards away. I looked to it about half way up and saw a figure sitting near the edge. I jumped down and yelled, "Harry is that you? Please let me explain." Me and Anne made it to where the trees stopped growing.

She stopped walking and motioned for me to continue. Slowly, I kept moving closer to him. "Haz. Please say something." He stood up but didn't look at me.

"Just leave me alone Willow." I reached a hand out and touched his shoulder. He turned around and stepped away from me. "I said to leave me alone." There was hate in his voice; it hurt. He never sounded so upset when speaking to me before. "No. Just listen to me." Harry started to walk away and I followed him. "I didn't kiss Zayn. He kissed me! It was completely one sided." His walk never slowed. We were almost out of the woods. "Harry just look at me!" I screamed and stopped walking; he did too.

Gradually, he faced me. "And what do you want me to do with that?" His voice was level. My mouth opened slightly, "I want you to not be so mad. Hell I don't even know why you're so mad."

"I'm not. I couldn't care less." He shoved his hands in his pockets and went back to walking towards his car.

I caught up to him as he was opening the door. "Don't just leave like this. Talk to me." He completely ignored me, as if I wasn't even there. "Don't ignore me Harry!" I hit the glass window when he shut the door on me.

He continued to just stare in front of him. Then he started the engine and started to pull the car from the side of the road. I took a step back as the car moved. "Harry!" I hit the boot of the car. He just drove away. I jogged after him yelling at him to come back. Eventually I stopped and stood in the middle of the street.

For some reason I wanted to cry. I was angry more than anything.

Then it happened again. My vision blurred and everything slowed. Before it all went black.

Once again, I woke up in a hospital bed. Anne was standing next to it, nervously picking her nails. I grabbed her hand and she looked at me. "Oh thank goodness you're alright dear!" She gave me a soft hug. "I'll go and get you brother." She left the room and returned with Niall behind her.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2020 ⏰

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