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I didn't edit
Hello if your reading this you should know its shit i don't really care.
Franks pov

I fell asleep during the movie.

I felt a small nudge on my shoulder.

"Frankie" there's a pause "sugar, wake up" I can hear gerard but don't want to move. "WAKE UP BITCH" and then I feel him jump on me.
My eyes shoot open and I realize that Im still in the living room. Gerard was still laying on top of me.

"why the fuck are you on top of me?" I whisper.

He looked at me grinned and whispered "you're comfy and cute,"

"Do you two ever stop flirting?" Mikey sighs.

"He is a great pillow despite the constant flirting and remarks"

"Hey!" I lightly smack him. I look at the time "we should go to bed." I say.

"Night mikes" Gerard says.

"Night gee" he replied.

We run into our bedroom and sit down.

"Hey should we have him come over tomorrow?" I ask.

"Yeah mikes might be suspicious and might think we were lying"

"Well he probably won't like that its a peaceful meeting."

Mikeys POV

They were acting suspicious. I walk out of the bathroom they should be asleep by now its been a half hour since they went upstairs. I should go to sleep. I walk upstairs and hear a noise. I swear to god if they broke the rule. I wait a minute and hear a moan.

I run down stairs and turn the tv up trying to forget about the noises I just heard. I decided to grab a a water bottle from the kitchen when its quiet.

I give up disgusted and go to the neighbors house. I know dan and phil have strange sleeping schedules so I knock at their door.

"Hey, Mikey what happened its 11:30" Phil asks.

"I cant sleep and my brother is a bitch. Oh can you bathe me in fucking holy water because my ears have been cursed" I reply annoyed.

"Oh come in" he says

I end up taking to dan and phil for a while. I decided to go home because frank and gerard are probably asleep by now.

I say bye and realize that its 1am I decided to just sleep on the couch.

I wake up and check the time its 6:38. I walk to the kitchen. We have bread and eggs. Toast sounds really fucking good. I make some toast and feel peaceful. This is some good toast. As I'm eating the toast, i hear giggling.

They walk down stairs giggling like girls.

"I was wrong, your not a disgustingly adorable couple, your just disgusting" I state blankly as I take a bite of my toast.

Gerard's face is now a tomato.

"All I can ask is that you two don't fuck at night, I try not to go to the neighbors house in the middle of the night. At least when you fuck during the day so I dont look crazy knocking at the neighbors door. Luckily their understanding. Now please tell me you know were they are." I state really annoyed.

"Yeah well he's on his way. Be kind I told him its a peaceful meeting." Gerard spoke.


I get dressed and walk down stairs to watch tv, but i hear the door bell ring.

I look at gerard and say "you two stay down here because I'm not taking a chance today."

"Ok" he says.

I open the door.


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