ghosts are predictiable

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Ray's POV

It was 2 ish. I was standing at the door wondering if I should knock.

What if they don't want me there.

They wouldn't ask me if I wasn't wanted.

But you hurt them.

I think they forgave me though.

I think fuck it and knock. Frank opens the door.

"Mikey come get your boyfriend!" He screams.

I blush and see Mikey.

"Shut the fuck up." He says to Frank. "Hi Ray"
He smiles.

"Hi Mikey" I say shyly.

We walk to the backyard where I see Mikey rush back to the grill.

"You know" he pauses "you're lucky, normally Frank and Gerard are upstairs in there room doing whatever the fuck they do"

"So why aren't they then?" I ask.

"Well I made a bet with them, no doing anything sexual for 3 days." I open my mouth to speak but get cut off "they never stop and I need some peace in my life."

"Oh" I say.

"The only reason Im having a cookout is because of that bet." He said.

"It's messed up that you need a bet to get them to stop." I look at him cooking.

Lindseys POV

"So tell us the story of the meeting." I say. I would like something interesting to happen.

Everyone yells in agreement. The people here besides jams and I are Bert, Dan, Phil, Sam, Dean, Cas. Literally all our friends. That's everyone inside at least.

"So Mikey answered the door and they just stared at each other for a minute or so before saying anything, Ray, the assassin started crying so Mikey being himself got him some water and started talking to him and calmed him down. We talked and Ray is a good person."

"How the fuck did you know what happened?" Mikey sounds confused when he walked in for a second.

"We were sitting in the kitchen" Gerard says

He goes back outside shaking his head.

"Well fuck" I hear from Bert.

"At least ghosts are predictiable" Dean says.

"You're not wrong" Frank agrees.

"Wait who's the guy with the fluffy hair" Phil asks confused.


"Wait what" Dan says looking like he's going to curl up on the floor in confusion.

"Yeah I think Mikey has a crush on him." Gerard says as blankly as Mikey, I think it's a talent in the family.

Dan starts to do that slow fall off thing the couch.

"No Dan get back up here" Phil laughed.
He grabbed Dan and dragged him from the floor back on to the couch and we laughed.

"So you guys made another assassin friend?" Bert says staring at the wall.

"Yep" Frank looks at him.

"Well shit your lives are stranger than I thought"

Heres a new chapter

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