Her 1

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It was on a hot summer day. I was out in the field making a paper airplane. After doing one last fold, I gently lifted the airplane in my hand.

"I'm finally done!" I cheer jumping up on my feet.

Clearing my throat, I put my hand over my mouth, imagining that I'm holding a microphone, "This is your captain speaking. Park Airlines will now depart."

I pulled my arm back and threw the plane in the air. Unfortunately, it immediately hit the ground.

An annoyed groan escaped my lips. As I was about to pick up the paper plane, I heard someone giggling behind me.

Turning around, I made eye contact whoever was laughing at me. It was a girl. She had dark brown hair that matched her eyes.

"You suck at making paper airplanes." The sentence caught me off guard and I stumbled on my words.

"As-as if you can do better!" I replied.

"Of course I can!" She responded in a matter of seconds.

I was slightly taken aback by her instant reply.

"Well... so what?" I said, since I can't think of a good comeback. I heard her coming over to my side.

"I could make one for you, is that your bag over there?" she asked, pointing my bag.

She took a paper from my bag without even asking.

"Hey, that's considered as stealing! You thief!" I exclaimed but she just ignored me and started doing the plane.

After a few seconds, she already finished making it and gave it to me.

"There!" She grinned.

Holding the paper plane, I looked at it first then turned my attention to her. She was giving me a sincere yet boastful kind of smile.

I gave it a quick look again before throwing the plane in the air. It flew smoothly and gently landed on the ground and I felt my cheeks heat up from the embarrassment.

What a way to crush a child's confidence.

"Are you not going to say thank you?" she asked walking over to me. She looked at me with her eyebrow raised in a confused manner.

"Why are your cheeks so red?" she asked making my eyes widen.

"It-It's just... heart, I-I m-mean... I'm hot-no! It's hot! I meant t-that it's h-hot!" I stuttered badly and hid my face in my hands. I wanted to hide under a rock so bad.

She chuckled making me even more embarrassed that I already was.

"I'm Lee Yujin, by the way." She said, not even commenting about what I said earlier.

I hesitated for a moment before extending my hand out for her to shake.

"I'm... Park Jimin."

Her ( A SHORT BTS FANFIC )Where stories live. Discover now