Chapter 7: Banishment

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Grodak walked down the line of orc soldiers, his footsteps heavy with emotions. This will be his first battle with humans, the anticipation of battle ate at him. Grodak didn't know what to expect, if it was the scar, he would be able to predict all their movements, but now, in an unknown Land, he found himself at a loss.

Grall stood at the head of the group of a hundred orcs, his spy's right behind him. He could see the concern on Grodaks face that mirrored how he felt. Gralls spies had been feeding him intel throughout the day, the kingdom of Ronstadt wasn't preparing their army's for war. Did they take our kingdom as being that weak, Grall thought, so weak we would give up without a fight?

Grodak walked to the front and turned to his soldiers. "We received a threat of war." Grodak announced, his voice boomed in the cool morning air. "A human kingdom sent us a messenger yesterday morning telling us to either leave or be killed." Grodak chuckled a bit, his laughter lightened the mood and put the soldiers at ease. "They even went so far to call us filthy. Will," Grodak began to pace back and forth in front of the group, making his voice louder, "I say, if you want war, then war is what you get!" The orcs let out a loud war cry in response. "If you want war then we will give you war, but not on your terms. Oh no, not on your terms." Grodak stopped at the head of the army. "If they want war then I say we take the fight to them. Attack them while they are weak and vulnerable. Make them see that we, the filthy orcs, will not just lay down and die. We are not some pathetic small animal that scurries about hiding in holes. We are warriors, we are to be feared. We are orcs!" As Grodak finished his sentence he raised his sword up high for all to see. The orcs erupted with cheers as they stomped their feet and let out cries of war.

Grall smiled and, when Grodak mounted his raptor, leaned in to whisper to Grodak. "You should've been the general of the army to begin with."

"Shut up, Grall." Grodak said, his emotions playing havoc on his face. "Did you send your spies to block the passageways?"

"Yes," Grall said, annoyance in his voice, "they are posing as bandits as to not be discovered."

"Good." Grodaks low voice quivered. "Let's get going, we need to attack by tomorrow at dawn."

Grall nodded and silently followed Grall as the army began to move through the early morning hours and late into the night, only breaking to rest for a few hours on the outskirts of Willow woods. A few hours before sun rise, Grodak led the group through the forest, the trees parted to make way for the group, just as they did when Grodak and Grall made their way to the elven kingdom.

As they reached the other side of the forest, the sun had begun to peak over the horizon, Grodak let out a battle cry as they charged the defenseless gates, easily breaking through. Alarms began to blare as the group charged through the town, only fighting when necessary.

Grall broke off from the group as they entered the gates, taking only a handful of spies with him. The goal of this endeavor was simple, Grodak creates a distraction while Grall and his spy's charge their way to the castle and finds the king. Once found and captured, have him call off his men and have a diplomatic talk with Grodak. At least Grall thought it would be simple.

The kingdoms fortification proved to be greater than anticipated, the kingdom had soldiers stationed at every turn and blockades that would prevent them from moving any further at points. Grall felt that this might be an impossible task as he ran on the roof tops, leaving his dead mount, killed from an arrow, behind.

Grall made a quick motion for his group of spies to dismantle a blockade that was in Grodaks way. Grall moved through the city, dodging left and right as arrows passed by, and came to the second innermost wall. The gates to the wall had been closed just before Grall could get there.

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