Chapter 1

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I sat in bed waiting for Demi to come and get me. And help me get ready for the day. I heard my door crack open and pushed myself up with my elbows.
"hi Demi" I said
"Hey sweetie" he said.
"Demi you know I don't like that nickname I'm a man."
"You'll be a man when you're taller than me." He said chuckling. I stick my tough at him.
"Do you need your hand braces today?" He asked
"Yes" I whispered as I felt my hands throb
"K" he said as he set my braces out.
Strapping on my leg braces the bottom part was like a KFO were it was plastic that keep my leg and ankle in the right angle and it went to my toes and up to my shins with three straps that held them on. Then there was a metal bar running the outside of my legs. And had a braces on my knees were hard plastic that went over my elbows and under my hands. And had straps over my arms. Ones he was done he lifted me off the bed and walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth.
"Thanks Demi" I said as he situated me in my chair. "No problem little brother" he answered as he pushed my wheelchair downstairs were I can hear the rest of my brothers.
"Hey raven" I hear as we came into the living room.
"Hey guys" I said given them all a big smile.
"Is Joey up yet?" I asked
"No" my brothers said.
"Okay I said and smiled at them than demetriu lifted me up to the dining room and put me in my chair. And grabbed the cereal and put it in a bowl and put milk and spoon As he started to feed me. then the milk started dribbling down to my shirt.
"I just changed you." Demetriu said
"Sorry" I sludder as milk around my mouth drool out.
"Don't talk with your mouth full." Sam said as I started to chocked on the milk I swallowed my food. Finally breakfast was over and Sam and Demetriu switched places as Sam carried me upstairs to my room and change me them took me downstairs.
"So what are we doing today Sam?" I said as he set me on the couch. "You have a doctors appointment this morning to check your swallowing and muscle strength in your hands. Then you have school with Demetriu then physical therapy with me later."
"Okay" I said as he picked me up and set me in my wheelchair. As we we're about to leave Joey came downstairs with Cole.
"Hi joey hi Cole" I said
"Hi baby boy" Cole said as he kissed my cheek.
"Alright were leaving now" said Sam as he wheeled me out the door.
"K" Cole said as he checked Joey's sugar blood while Joey was haft asleep. Sam pushed me out of the house as Joey began to cry.

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