8 - Our past, present and future

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Jacob Lee ~ Heartstrings | Andrew Belle ~ Dark matter


Bambam had looked at the pair of new lovers with a small smile on his face. He felt sorry for Yugyeom but more than that he was happy for the two boys who kept exchanging kisses and smiling happily. He had known from the very beginning that they liked each other, just that for some reason it was incredibly hard for them to admit that they did.

After he was convinced they wouldn't stop if he didn't make them, he spoke himself into existence for the two.

"Hey lovebirds, should I take my leave or what? What you're gonna do now?"

Two heads turned to look at him, obviously having forgotten that he even was there. Two pairs of swollen lips and shining eyes, they looked so similar that the wolf almost laughed.

"We should at least find a place to sleep in the next night", he commented when they just kept staring instead of saying anything.

"Right..." Jungkook said, voice more hoarse now. Taehyung only nodded.

"I really don't know what I'm gonna do with you two..." Bambam complained yet couldn't force away the smile on his face.


Taehyung couldn't believe it. One moment he felt like the loneliest man on Earth and the next minute he found himself in Jungkook's arms. They had even kissed, so many times that he decided to stop counting, letting himself drown in the pleasant cradling of the waves he kept losing himself into.

Now he was lying next to him in a small shelter they had had to put together before the night fell. It was cramped and in order to save some space Jungkook and Bambam had shifted for the night. It was a bit too warm for Taehyung who had to sleep between the two alphas.

Bambam was already asleep but Jungkook was either awake or scenting him in his sleep. Taehyung was a bit afraid of getting thirsty before morning and he didn't exactly like the idea of waking either of the wolves to have a drink. They hadn't even talked about whether it was okay for him to but he assumed that at least Jungkook would give an 'okay'.

The more he thought about it, the more miraculous it felt to be right there. He traced back his memories to the time he had first met Jungkook. The annoying, childish, but unbearably adorable bunny boy. It was the first week of his second year, Jungkook being a freshman.

"And who might you be?"

"Jeon Jungkook, at your service."

Did he just wink? Cocky for a first-year. Kinda cute tho.

"So why did you, Jungkook, think it was a good idea to sit on my seat?"

"What's your name? So I can see if it's written here somewhere."

They had a rough start. The same day they argued in the school canteen Taehyung had walked home only to see Jungkook on the other side of the road, stepping in the biggest house of the neighborhood. Somehow Taehyung had managed to forget how his mother talked about "the Jeons" moving just the opposite of them. So he's a rich kid, no wonder.

The two continued arguing and annoying each other for seemingly no reason. When they started walking to and from school together once or twice a week, Taehyung's best friend Bogum asked if they were dating. After denying any possible attraction towards the boy, Taehyung had to look himself in the mirror and ask if he really did in fact have a crush on him. Of course not.

It continued like that for months. It was two days before Christmas when Jungkook and him were at a party, both a bit drunk but not enough to forget everything when the next day came. Jungkook had asked him if he'd like to go out with him.

"Say, Kim, how come you're still single?"

"Where is this coming from? I guess I just don't want to commit to a relationship right now. Besides, barely anyone even meets my standards."

"What a shame. Do you think I'd qualify?"

"Are you hitting on me?"'

"Maybe. Wanna go on a date?"

Before he could answer, Bogum cut in with a laugh. He was more drunk than either of them.

"Why would he date you? Right, Tae? You keep telling me how annoying Jeon is."

"R-right. Isn't it clear I don't like your guts?"

The thing is, after Taehyung had done his best to convince Bogum that he did not like Jungkook, his friend had himself used the chance to confess. Taehyung had never seen him that way but he had promised to keep it in mind. He couldn't just agree to date Jungkook right in front of the guy.

Then Taehyung had been startled by a loud laugh. He turned to see Jungkook laughing bitterly with tears in his eyes. For a moment he thought the laugh was fake and the tears those of hurt, but then Jungkook told him it was all a joke. And he had that same smirk on his face as he always did. Later that night Taehyung had cried himself asleep after losing his virginity to a wrong person as he tried not to think about the right one.

Now in the light of the current situation, Taehyung wondered if he had originally been right and if Jungkook's tears had been real. Maybe he had been serious after all. He'd have to ask him when the morning came.

I'm sorry, Jungkook. I'll try to make it up to you.


Eventually the sun rose and birds sang to announce the start of a new day. Bambam had been the first one to wake up, leaving the two lovers alone as he went to the river to wash his face.

Jungkook woke up too once he heard Taehyung mumbling something in his sleep. The blonde boy was hugging him and Jungkook wondered if it would be too much of a shock if he just transformed right then and there. He moved a bit and Taehyung giggled as the fur tickled his face.

Cute. It didn't take long until the vampire opened his eyes and smiled sleepily.

"Good morning."

Jungkook responded by rubbing his snout and Taehyung's nose together. This had to be one of the best, if not the best morning in his entire life.


A/N: Yay for finally getting a glimpse of their past! I had very little idea of what happened before I wrote this chapter :'D Get ready for fluff!

Underwater: Brave - TaekookTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang