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Louis' POV

These past few months have been torture, I wake up, got to work then come home and then cry myself to sleep. I'm trying to stay positive despite the pain but it's hard sometimes. The only good thing right now is how much I love my job, passing on my skills to kids is amazing and something I will always take pride in. The kids I'm with are the cutest and kindest of all time and despite then not being my own, I love them just as much.

Today was tiring to say the least, the past week I've been having really late nights and today was no exception. The kids and me had been working for hours and I just wanted sleep but I know I won't get any. I'm driving home when an all too familiar song came on, I was introduced to it by one of my kids older siblings, they had it playing out loud and I nearly cried on the spot. I haven't stopped listening since and it's been nearly a week. The emotion within the lyrics is so pure that it will never fail to make me cry.

I make it home with fresh tears already brimming at my eyes, normally I'm slamming doors but today I'm just sobbing. My warm tears fall into my cheeks as I make my way through my extravagant apartment. I fall into my sete as my breathing quickens, this is worse than any other night. I curl my hands over the edges of my black wooden coffee table, I squeeze so tight it imprints on my hands.

I try and think of the good things in life like everyone tells me to do but everything brings me back to the pain. My family - pain. My job - pain. My money - pain. The people who tell you money can't buy happiness, they were right because I have money and I'm miserable. Nothing in my life brings me lasting happiness. My life is dark and I just need some light I think as the song plays repeat and my eyes burn.

As if on cue, the universe or God or whatever gives me a sign...

Short chapter sorry but they'll get longer.

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