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The past week has been great, I talked to L through the wall every night and texted him everyday, he was perfect. I knew I wanted to meet him soon and tell him who I really was but I was terrified, I lean he knew the real me but finding out my name and my job could change the whole dynamic. I was happy and I think he was too and I didn't want anything to change that especially not my fame.

I keep trying to imagine what he looked like, he told me a couple of things about his appearance but I know it doesn't do him justice. He said he had blue eyes and brown hair, it sounds so simple but I know full well that when I see him my brain will light up with a millions forms of inspiration and I really need that right now.

Since I told management that I needed a couple of weeks to think of what was missing, they haven't got off my back and it was infuriating. It's only been a bit over a week, now I know what the album's missing but I can't rush it. If I got to quick it could ruin everything and then I'm screwed on multiple levels.

I've been getting ranting messages all day and it's been distracting me from L, so I decided to schedule and meeting for tomorrow evening and today I'll pop into the studio just to mess around with tunes.

I love being in the studio, surrounded by instruments and just singing whatever comes to mind. I like to think I make the best music when I just have fun. That's why I invited my best mate to join me, Niall it hilarious and incredible on guitar. We met at an award show in like 2013 I think and we've been super close since.

Once he arrived we just messed around together, made one of the stupidest songs ever, about chicken. We're idiots. We got a bit serious after that thought, I told him all about L and I asked for advice. To be honest he told me what I was thinking but just too scared to do. I knew I was going to meet him properly as soon as possible. Unfortunately it wasn't tonight because me and Niall had accidentally stayed in the studio until 4am. Maybe tomorrow.

I went home then and was overthinking everything. How should I approach this? Would he be mad that I wasn't there tonight? Oh god. I'm in really deep.

Everything got worse from that point on though.

Really short chapter sorry.

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