90% sure

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Percy's POV

"Ow!" I shouted. I had dropped one of the moving boxes onto my foot. Let's just say I wasn't in a good mood. Not only did I have a long night of unpacking tonight, I started at my new school tomorrow. 

"Come on Perce," my mom said, picking up Estelle and starting to walk inside. "Get all the heavy stuff." 

I sighed. "Is that all I am to you. Somebody to lift the heavy items," I said mock crying.

She stopped for a second and tilted her head as if thinking. Then with a completely straight face she turned to me and said "Yes."

I wasn't that surprised when she answered in that way because my mom does that all the time. 

Jeez...when did I get so tired. I was so ready for bed. 


Before going to bed I  IMed Annabeth.

"Percy I have something to tell you," she said.

"What's up?"

"I did some research on Forks and your mom was wrong. There are monsters there."


"I know. That's what I thought at first too. I had wondered why we thought Forks was safer than most places, and I realize the monsters here are mainly peaceful. And they're...different than the monsters we're used too."

"What do you mean?"

"So far I think there might be a family of vampires."

"You're joking, right."

"No. But the good news is that I think they might only drink the blood of animals."

"Much better."

"It is. Also when I told Chiron about the vampires he got a distant look in his eyes so I think he might know something about them. He also told me that there is a pack of werewolves living there."

I face palmed. 

"How is this a safe place at all?" I asked her.

"We're about 90% sure that both groups are peaceful so you and your family should be fine. But Chiron said he wants you to investigate them.

"Oh my god," I moaned. "This was supposed to be a quest free move."

"I know," Annabeth said. "But that's the life of a demigod."

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The Water Theory- A Percy Jackson and twilight crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now