"Uh hi. I'm Percy Jackson."

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I walked down the hall trying to find my Greek 1 class. When I saw that on my schedule I knew there would be at least two classes that I would ace. Mythology and Greek.

Finally finding my class, I had similar experience that I had with Mr. Berty, this time with a flustered looking woman who introduced herself as Mrs. Goff.

"Welcome to Ancient Greek class," she said breathlessly. "I've always taught Spanish but for some reason they've decided to replace it with a different language. Strange, right?" she said.

"Uhh, yeah. I'm gonna go find an open desk."

I saw a seat next to a striking girl with short brown hair, and chocolate brown eyes. Deciding to sit down I gave a small wave.

She smiled warmly, " Hi, I'm Alice Cullen."

"Percy Jackson."

"Interesting name! Where'd you move from?"

"Uhh, New York."

I soon learned that this girl really, really, really, liked to talk. Throughout Greek she chatted with me about the small town break-ups, hook-ups, and just plain old ups. Whatever that was. Since Alice was so talkative, that meant I only had to supply a sarcastic comment here and there.

Finally Greek was over. We stood up and my chair made a sound that sounded suspiciously like a fart. I glared at it.

"So what's your next class?" Alice asked.

"Uhh," I said intelligently while checking my schedule. "Gym."

"Me too. Do you want to walk together? she asked.

"Sure," I replied.

So an hour later Alice and I walked to Gym where we were going to be playing dodge ball. The last time I played dodge ball I was in seventh grade, and I blew up a gym. Now I was Seventeen.

Oh Hades.

Alice's POV

Going into gym I realized we where going to be playing dodge ball, which I never enjoyed. It seemed Percy didn't either because he muttered a curse under his breath. Weird.

"Don't like dodge ball?" I asked.

He smiled. "I just have some, well, interesting memories of it."

I shrugged, dismissing it as we walked to our respective locker rooms.


Later at Lunch...

I sat down between Edward and Jasper at our usual lunch table. Leaning forward I asked, "Did you guys meet Percy yet?"

Bella glanced up. "Should I know who that is?"

"Yes!" I replied.

"He's the new kid," Emmet supplies.

Rosalie turns to him rolling her eyes. "We have another new kid? Really?"

"Yup," I say, popping the P. "He seems really nice!"

"You talked to him?!?" Edward asks indignantly. "Why?"

"Why not?" I slap back. "Ooh, look! He just walked in."

Percy was glancing around the lunchroom looking for a place to sit. He was probably all lonely, poor thing. Deciding to take action I start to stand up to wave, but Rosalie reaches over a drags me down.

"Do not invite him over," she warned.

"We could vote," I suggest.

Rosalie rolls her eyes, which I ignore.

"Who is in favor of Percy Jackson sitting with us at lunch?"

"Why not?" Bella says. "Sure."

"Same," Emmet adds.

"Well I'm obviously in!" I say. "Jasper?"

He nods.

"I don't know guys," Edward says doubtfully.

"Well I'm out," Rosalie adds forcefully. "We have enough humans here as it is." She glares at Bella.

Bella just rolls her eyes, used to Rosalie's behavior.

"Well he's coming over whether you like it or not," I decide.

I dash over to wear Percy's standing and grab his arm, pulling him over to our table.

He plops down in the only empty seat, looking a little miffed.

"Uh hi. I'm Percy Jackson." 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2021 ⏰

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