Chapter 3

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My alarm wakes me up at 6am and it takes me a second to remember why I set in in the first place. Oh my god I have school today, I think as I sit up in my twin bed and shut the alarm off. Immediately my stomach starts clenching at the thought of Williams High.

I groggily rub my eyes, make my way to the bathroom, and turn the shower on. As I step inside and the hot water wakes me up, memories of yesterday afternoon creep back into my head, making me smile softly to myself.

Taylor and I spent the rest of the day on Sunday texting back and forth about both personal and ridiculous topics, helping me learn a little more about the once mysterious girl from the BlueBird Cafe. She sent me pictures of her two adorable cats, Meredith and Olivia, who seem to be quite the handful. She told me about growing up in Nashville, how she's wanted to be a singer ever since she was a child. About her little brother Austin, who she loves dearly. The more pieces I acquire from Taylor about her life and her history, the more I want to know, the more I want to be around her. She's like a drug that can't get enough of.

One thing I failed to mention to Taylor was that I'm still in high school. I know it's not something I can hide forever, and she's eventually going to find out if I plan on ever asking her out, but I couldn't bring myself to tell her. I don't want her to not give me a chance just because she thinks I'm too young. First I need to prove to her that I'm mature enough to actually be in a relationship. Besides, 4 years isn't that much of an age gap, assuming the song "22" was an accurate depiction of her age. I mean, I'm at least a few inches taller than her, that counts for something, right?

I step out of the shower once I'm done and stare at myself in the slightly fogged up mirror. Alright, Karlie. This is going to be easy. Go to school, come back, talk to Taylor. Simple.

I throw on what I hope is a decent looking first day of school outfit. I'm dressed in a red plaid flannel, black leggings, and combat boots. I make sure I've got my schoolbag packed with what I need, and then I head downstairs.

Dad has already left for work, but Mom is in the kitchen, reading the newspaper (New York Times, of course) with her reading glasses perched on the edge of her nose.

"Hi honey," she she greets me, looking up from the paper.

"Hey Mom," I say with my backpack hanging from my shoulder. "I'm just about to head out to catch the bus."

Her eyebrows crinkle up in a classic Worried Mom look. "Oh Karls, let me drive you. It's your first day, and you'll save more time. Come have some breakfast."

I nod my head and tear a banana from its bunch on the counter. "Thanks mom."

With my newfound time, I get out my phone and open my chat with Taylor. The last message she sent me was a goodnight around 11 last night. Remembering that she starts her new job today, I type out good luck today!!and hit send.

My mother curiously eyes at the dreamy smile I'm wearing as I peel my banana, but I couldn't care less.

After Mom drops me off at the big brick building that is Williams High, I head straight to straight towards the main office. I was instructed to pick up my schedule there, as I just moved here and it wasn't perfected until recently.

Navigating through the florescent lit hallways proves to be challenging, as there are hundreds of kids swarming everywhere. Massive upperclassmen yelling greetings to their pals, scrawny freshmen with wide eyes and shuffling feet. The cheer squad of the school was ready to greet students at the front doors, dressed in tight skirts and blue bows tied tight into their slick ponytails, most likely destroying the only brain cells they own.

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