Chapter 6

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In my slightly drunken and tearful state, I shield my eyes from the headlights that are gradually impaling my vision from where I stand on an otherwise empty street. For a second it occurs to me that I should move out of the car's way, but then it stops in front of me.

Through the blinding light, I see a figure hurriedly exiting the vehicle.

"Karlie?" the figure exclaims, rushing towards me.

As soon as she's close enough for me to recognize that this is Taylor, I extend my arms to her, not able to control the so that escapes my mouth. Taylor takes me into her arms and holds me tight in the middle of the street.

"It's okay, Kar, I'm taking you home. You're safe now."

She leads me to the passenger seat of her car and buckles me in before walking around the car to the driver's seat.

I force myself to focus on the sound of her voice as we drive to her apartment. She whispers a constant stream of assurances to me while rubbing my palm with the thumb of her free hand.


I dry heave over the edge of the toilet in Taylor's bathroom. I'm kneeling over it, and Taylor is holding my hair back with one hand because I've already thrown up twice. I'm not sure if it was because of the disgust plaguing my stomach from Ethan, or the amount of alcohol I've had tonight.

Taylor's other hand gently rubs tight circles around my back. "Do you think you're done?" she asks after I regain my composure again.

I hum in affirmation and weakly try to get up. Taylor keeps one hand on my hip and forearm in an attempt to help me get up in my shaky state. In any other situation, having her hands on my body would have been electrifying, but at the moment I'm feeling to physically and emotionally horrible to process her touch.

She guides me to the sink. "Rinse out your mouth, okay?" she directs. "I'll be right back, I'm getting some things for you."

I nod and turn on the faucets as she slips out of the bathroom and into the hallways of her apartment. Her place is nice and cozy, if not small. As Taylor helped me stumble to the bathroom, I had briefly glimpsed a small kitchen and a living room with a snug looking couch and small TV. I'm guessing Taylor's room is somewhere further down the hallway.

Gripping the sink ledge for support, I turn on the faucets. Not caring about temperature, I splash water onto my face and around my mouth, washing away the remains of vomit.

I stare at myself in the mirror, water droplets lazily drifting down my face and sticking to the edges of my baby hairs. I look horrible. My gaze lowers from my face to my chest. I can still feel the ghost of Ethan's touch on me. My stomach lurches again at the thought. I think I'm in danger of throwing up again when Taylor walks back into the bathroom and the sound of her voice snaps my attention to her.

"Here Kar, take this," she says, handing me a tall glass of water. In her other hand, she holds a toothbrush still in the package and toothpaste. I gratefully take the glass from her.

"Thank you," I say softly. I drink the whole thing, ridding my mouth of the taste of vomit and helping clear my brain of any remaining fuzziness.

I hand the empty glass to Taylor and she gives me the toothbrush and paste in return. I can't help but giggle at the sight of the toothpaste.

"Really?" I say, raising an eyebrow to Taylor. "Strawberry flavored?"

Taylor blushes, avoiding eye contact. "I like it," she mumbles.

My queasiness seems to disappear as I laugh at Taylor's cuteness.

She rolls her eyes. "You can take a shower if you want," she offers, changing the subject.

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