Chapter 8

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The first familiar face I see the next Monday is Josh's, and it's admittedly one I was not looking forward to.

The scrawny senior runs up to me where I'm standing next to my locker, shrugging my hoodie off and putting it inside.

"Hey, Karlie," he calls out for my attention.

I glance up at him and then quickly look back down. Seeing him sends an unpleasant shiver down through my body.

"Hi Josh," I say neutrally, shutting my locker. I try to step past him, but he moves in front of me, forcing me to face him.

"Look, I'm really sorry about the other night. That was shitty of me to just stand there."
I look at him, not bothering to hide the annoyance in my expression. "No shit," I snap.

"Karlie, come on. You know I like you and everything, I wouldn't do anything to hurt you," he says frantically.

"Josh," I plead. "I'm sorry but I don't like you. You heard what I said. Nothing is going to happen between us." I try again to get around him, but he follows my movements, not allowing me to go yet.

"Don't say that," he pushes. "Have you ever even been with a guy?"

"No," I huff. "And I intend to keep it that way."

Josh smiles confidently. "Then you can't push me away just yet. You'll see. I'll win you over." And with that, he finally leaves me to join the stream of bodies in the hallways.

I roll my eyes to myself, not bothering to argue with the stubborn teen and letting him think what he wants. What is he going to do?


I've barely stepped a foot into the familiarly loud lunchroom when I see Jourdan coming full force towards me, with Lily and Gigi scurrying close behind.

"Karlie!" Jourdan calls out, reaching out to grab my forearm, almost crashing into me. "Oh my god, Karls, I'm so sorry we left you down there with those boys! Josh told us all about it."

"Yeah," Lily agrees. "It was really stupid of us."

Gigi nods frantically.

I swallow hard and stare at my shoes, uncomfortable with the scene we're creating while simultaneously overwhelmed by all that my friends are saying.

"It's okay guys," I assure them, although I'm not exactly sure if I believe myself. "Let's just go get our lunches, alright?"

After getting in line to fill our lunch trays with food, we walk to our usual spots in the cafeteria. I feel the subtle stares of several students as I walk past them, confirming my fears. Between Jourdan and Gigi, I expect everyone has heard some version of what happened this weekend. Amazing. As if I want to relive Ethan's harsh touch on my body every time I hear someone whisper his name.

As we all settle down at our table, I notice Josh's absence. He must be avoiding me after our conversation this morning. For now, at least. He seemed pretty hell bent on "winning me over."

Thinking of Josh, I suddenly remember one aspect of that night that actually might affect me.

"Hey Jourdan," I try to say casually as possible. "Did Josh by any chance tell you about, um-"

"-How you rejected him?" Jourdan cuts me off. "Yeah, he did."

Panic starts to rise in my chest. Oh my god. Everyone in the school knows I'm gay. That must be why they were all staring at me today.

"Oh really?" I try to control my voice but it comes out as a squeak.

"Yeah," says Gigi. "So who is he?"

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