day 5

28 5 11

Hii....i don't know what to write. I m feeling very low and lonely. Everything is mess around me. Wtf should i do now. Me and my my brother fight bcoz he always throw tantrums on food. My mum's finger is not properly healed sometimes it pains. And i shout at him to adjust. He is like a monster. Always shooting at mum and me. I dont like to stay in my house now. I just want run away. Atleast my hostel was good i used to sit on terrace and guys my campus is full of Greenery and i love it. But it sucks to have hostel inside the cllg campus. We can't run away. Yesterday i went to dentist and i have 3 wisdom tooth which are growing not so straight so it hurts. I wanted to ask u and please reply about this whoever reads this update even if u guys are not following me. R u guys expressive in showing feelings and emotions. I feel scared to let anyone come close in my life even if its a girl or boy. Just for example ur frnds write u for coming into their life and they feel happy and miss u, what would be ur tell me in comment section


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