day 9

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Hii........ Today my day was pretty painful. Cramps are so fucking painful. I was thinking that it would have been good if i was born as a boy. Bcoz i have null qualities of girl. Except menstruation cycle l, i doubt if its a quality. Nevermind my science was so weak that's why i took commerce. Ok today i will write about this. After 10 i was so fucking confused what stream should i choose maths was out of option so science or commerce. Everyone in my family told me to take science and become a doctor like my brother. Well i was pretty scared but still i went to that class. I swear i was fucking depressed. I told them i m taking commerce. Well my school started but I don't know something happened to me. I became a silent girl. I was not able to communicate with anyone. I m a  awkward girl. I have one real brother and 4 cousin brother. So my real bro and me were in same school. He is very good at everything. So my teachers used to tell me to be like him. I never liked my school phase. After 12 again I was confused what to take. U know whoever reads this please from my experience never fucking take a advice from a family for what to choose in education. They will fucking confuse u more. My interest was in law. My cousin sis is a lawyer. Well i did told her about this and every time she used to tell me u will not be able to do this. Its my fault also that i was weak that time. She convinced everyone that i wont be able to do this. My brother chose to do CA. So they put an idea in my mind to do CA and u will earn so much money ur life will be set. I chose CA. I went to classes. At starting everything was good. I felt relieved after leaving my house tbh. I was living in a PG that time. I never say bad words about food but PGs food was horrible. Always potatoes. CA is not easy. Your ass will be swollen for studying 18 hours. Mine was. That was so exhausting. I gave my exam. I failed. In my life that was the first time i failed. Well failure do hits hard. I lost my confidence. I was confused should i leave this.  This pressure i can't take. My mum told me to do last attempt. I studied. And i swear i studied hard. But again failed. I chose to leave this. I went to my house. Everyone was taunting me. I kept my mouth shut. Everyone was accusing me that i made a stupid decision. They don't know how students face the pressure. I was not ready for it. Now i m in a cllg. Well my teachers did asked me what was the reason for one year drop. I told them. I m doing bachelor in business. I still think about my interest in law. U know like u remember ur ex. Well leave it.


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