Chapter 1

687 23 13

Anoki - ???

Tallulah - Native America

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The soft thumps of footsteps were the first thing America heard when he awoke from the darkness. America softly groaned as he rubbed his eyes and sat up on the couch, feeling groggy and annoyed. It felt way too early for him, even with the six different time zones controlling his sleep schedule. America yawned again as he reluctantly put his glasses on. When the world came into focus, the first thing he noticed was Romano sleeping on the armchair, passed out. Hearing the clinks and clanks of pans, he turned around and noticed China rummaging through a cupboard. Relieved that it wasn't England in the kitchen first, America silently made his way back to his shared room to get ready for the day.

After a moment of hesitation, America opened the door and slipped inside. To his left, Canada was laying on his back with Kumajirou snuggled on his side. The bear sleepily watched him with that damn knowing look which America childishly returned with a pointed glare. Not wanting to accidentally wake up Canada, the American quickly grabbed a set of clothes along with a light blanket. He could still feel the bears stare as he shut the door and made his way back to the living room. Stupid spirits.

Romano didn't even stir when America softly laid the blanket over the nation. The Italian actually snuggled into it which amused the younger nation. As he made his way over to the kitchen, he made sure his footsteps were loud enough to be heard. Sure enough, China turned around quickly with one of his hands clenching a wok in an offensive pose. However, he quickly lost all hostilities and put the wok on the counter. "Apologies America, I was not expecting you till later," China apologized as he went back to making tea.

America bit back a retort for the underhanded insult. "Yeah, dood. I woke up early today. I'm making it my heroic goal to keep England out of the kitchen today but I'm about to jump in the shower." China nodded and returned to the stove, hiding his surprise very well. "Do you want anything to eat in particular?" China offered. He usually wasn't very nice to the capitalist, especially with the recent economic trade war. But his maternal instincts were kicking in. Something was... off. After all, it wasn't natural for American's to get up this early.

To his shock, America shook his head. "I ate earlier although I bet France will appreciate your help with starting breakfast for everyone. I'm gonna go shower now before Mr. Proper gets up," America replied as he speedily made his way to an available bathroom. China had to stop cooking for a moment to wrap his head around America. The nation blew him off. While that in itself wasn't unusual, he refused his cooking. His cooking! Something was wrong, but it was way too early to decipher. After all, he had more pressing matters to handle like what excuse he would use to keep England out of the kitchen this time.

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He wasn't the quickest, but in general, he did take quick showers. He made sure to avoid the mirror as he got dressed but the razor next to the sink was really distracting. It glinted in the fluorescent light as if mocking him. His old scars seemed to burn as he combed his hair. He wasn't tempted. No, that was behind him in a darker time. But some things couldn't be fixed even with therapy and drugs. He ignored his reflection as he left the bathroom, sporting a t-shirt, his bomber jacket, sweatpants, and sneakers.

At this point, most of the early risers were awake and none of them looked too happy seeing him up early. America ignored their curious and surprised looks as he made his way over to England. The Brit was arguing with France and Turkey who were keeping him out of the kitchen. "Hey cut the chatter! It's not cool to start fights before you have at least three cups of coffee. Now come with me Iggy, no arguing," America interrupted cheerfully as he dragged the protesting Brit away, ignoring Turkey's thankful look and France's relieved expression.

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