Chapter 8 - Many Names

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"Yi-yi...." Liliana stared at her mentor, searching for the right words. She felt like she was a child again. How much of her life was a lie? "Why--"

The older wingwoman cut her off. "Leryl, Everything I have done, I have done to protect you."

When she turned her gaze to Liliana, there was none of the love or the softness that she had come to except in those dark, chocolate eyes. There was only pain. And anger. 

But who was she angry at? 

"Please... I don't want things to change between us," Liliana said quietly as she grabbed onto the railing of the balcony to steady herself. "Can you just call me Liliana? There was a voice... a voice that called me that name in my quarters last night, and I--"

Adeniyi's eyes widened. "A voice? What was it like?"

The captain shook her head. "I'm not sure. I had a vision... like we were on a road and then he helped me.... After we had talked and everything, I thought it might be Elindir, but then he didn't answer when I talked back." 

Her mentor's face had spread into a strange smile. "Leyr--Liliana, only the anointed king or queen of Áerlas can hear the voice of the Almighty God. This means he has chosen you."

Liliana took a step back, her hands sliding across the marble as she did. "It's not like he had many options."

"Liliana, this is your destiny. You were born to rule Áerlas. You have been chosen by Elindir as his champion. All that's left if for you to find the kingsbl--"

"I--" Liliana swallowed before she continued. "I don't want to be queen."

Adeniyi didn't speak.

"Elindir can choose someone else. I don't know who I was before I came here, but whoever was there died whenever Lady Diana did the Rewriting. Leyrl Karanor is dead. I am Liliana Tailor, and you are my dearest friend. Not mine or anyone else's slave." Liliana looked up, starting to move toward Adeniyi. 

Her mentor took a step back. "So you will call for war and say that you cannot ignore the advance of Pervez's armies but you will choose to live a lie?" The rage in her voice was unmistakable even as she spoke the words as smooth as honey. "You will choose to abandon the people you were born to serve because you don't want to be queen? Do you realize how ridiculous that is? You cannot ignore the truth of your own history simply because it is inconvenient to you. This is what you were called to do!"

"It's not abandoning them.... I'm just not cut out to serve them that way."

"Elindir himself knit you together in your mother's womb. I think he'd know if you were cut out for it or not."

"Adeniyi, you don't understand. That is not who I am."

"Perhaps, you're right. I don't understand. Liliana, you have been given more power in your last name than many of my own people who died as slaves in your country ever had. To ignore it is add insult to the injury the world bears as it awaits your return."

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