Chapter 21 - The Blood of My Brothers

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Socorro leaned her head into Leyrl's chest as Nanook glided through the chilly night air

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Socorro leaned her head into Leyrl's chest as Nanook glided through the chilly night air. She straddled the saddle in front of Leyrl, the blanket her mentor had given her still wrapped tightly around her shoulders. 

"Have you been to Cahlinmir before, Lili?" her apprentice asked, although her voice was so thick with sleep it sounded like she was talking around cotton balls. 

Leyrl's stomach twisted with grief, and she tried to ignore the pressure in her chest. "Once... a long time ago."

"I think I would like to go back to Mombacho sometime," Socorro said in between yawns. "I saw a painting of the mountains to the north of the island the other day, and they looked so nice. So, I think I'd like to adopt a cow as a pet and live the rest of my days in bliss." 

"Have you ever even seen a cow?" Leyrl teased, unable to keep a smile from spreading across her face.

"I used to milk them when they sent me to the Burrows."

Leyrl felt her smile fade. Must you ruin everything? she thought toward no one in particular. Fate? Elindir, perhaps? Whoever was involved with the decision making process for their lives. "When who sent you to the Burrows?"

Socorro turned her head around to look up at her mentor. "While we were Hatchlings still... they told us it was something all the children at the Hold had to do."

"I've never had to milk a cow in my life," Leyrl muttered. 

"Oh," Socorro replied quietly.

"Is it hard?" 

She tossed her head back and forth a few times, and Leyrl imagined the question rattling around in her mind as she did. 

"At first. Then you get the hang of it," the young cadet replied finally. 

"Huh," Leyrl managed. 

They fell into silence, and soon, Leyrl was cradling Socorro's head in the space between her arm and her shoulder. 

Hisashi had explained they'd fly down the length of the River Eden and then catch the coast of the Red Sea. There, they'd land on the beach and make their attack at dawn. Three of his best wingwomen and wingmen had joined him for the mission.

They would go ahead, scout, and make contact with any resistance forces inside Cahlinmir. From there, they'd make their plan of attack. 

Nanook was unusually silent, but Leyrl didn't mind. She felt safe in the sky in a way she had not felt safe in months. The words that might break the silence could also take that feeling from her, and she did not want to let go of it yet. 

She thought about what Hisashi had said. 

A suicide mission?

She thought about flying home without him. Without any of them. 

Kingsbladeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें