Chapter 1- Analoceitmus

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Prompt by @sanderssides_prompts on Instagram. SvsS Redux spoiler warning and some light swearing ⚠️⚠️⚠️

Human AU

Virgil, Logan, Janus and Remus were waking out of school. "Shall we get a coffee before heading home?" Janus suggested. The others nodded their heads in agreement and they walked to the coffee shop. It was decorated thoroughly with red and pink love hearts. All of the friends were surprised, except one. "Are they meant to be hearts? They're not at all accurate." Logan commented. Once they sat down, Logan pulled a notebook and pencil out of his bag and began to draw something. At times, he would pause and chew on his pencil thoughtfully, trying to imagine what a heart looked like without reference. Once he had finished, he held it up to face his friends. Remus' eyes lit up as he drew in (pun intended) every vein and artery. Janus took one look at the drawing and groaning, he turned around to look at Virgil instead. A far nicer sight, he thought, to himself.

"So it's Valentine's Day, I suppose." Virgil said, looking around at the lovey dovey couples around them, both polyamorous and monogamous, both same gender couples and opposite gender couples. "I guess it's nice to know our favourite coffee shop isn't homophobic crap." Virgil sighed, thinking about his stupid unsupportive parents. Janus always rolled his eyes at the very notion of homophobia, and put his hand around Virgil's waist to help him feel better.

" Oh yes, and I totally didn't plan this." Janus replied with a sly grin. His friends laughed at him, they all loved his sarcastic asshole self even if they'd never admit it. Logan then spotted a waitress walking towards them with a menu tucked under her arm and he checked whether they had a menu. Annoyingly, they didn't, so he put his hand up so the waitress would notice him.

"How can I help?" she asked them. She looked at Virgil and Janus' intimate cuddling and noted how Logan and Remus' hands were very close together underneath the table. She smiled, thinking of her own partners at home. "We don't seem to have a menu, would you mind if we borrowed yours?" Logan told her politely.

"Of course! You and your boyfriends are very welcome to my menu!" she smiled at them before handing Janus her menu and walked away, her long skirt swishing behind her as she swayed slightly to the rhythm of the love song on the radio. "W-we're not boyfriends!" Remus called after her, but she didn't hear him (or maybe she was ignoring him but shh).

Tears prickled Virgil's eyes slightly, how he wished he could call Logan his boyfriend, Remus his partner, Janus his soulmate. Janus also wondered how it would feel to be able to kiss his closest friends but he tried to ignore his romantic thoughts. Remus wanted to be able to hold hands with Logan, Virgil and Janus when they walked out of school but why why would they ever want to be his romantic partner? He was just Remus... the unloved brother from the Genesis.

Logan peered at the menu over Janus' shoulder, trying to choose what he wanted. Something with a lot of caffeine, but not so much that his friends would tell him off. Not tell him off in a bad way, but in a good way. In a protective, caring. loving way. He shook his head, trying to get rid of the stupid pining that was in his heart. I often get vanilla but that is so plain and boring... like me. Maybe I should get something new and exotic? Maybe then my friends would like me more... His eyebrows furrowed underneath his glasses and he saw something that took his fancy. Mango iced coffee. Perfect.

On the other side of Janus, Remus was struggling to read the menu. After five times of trying to read... was that an o or a c?? He growled under his breath before placing his head on Janus' shoulder. He could read better, and he was even closer to his friend. He sneaked a glance at Janus, who was blushing a furious pink. Remus grinned before moving his eyes back to the words on the laminated paper. Cinnamon, chilli and lime iced tea... that was exactly what he wanted.

Virgil's and Janus' orders were easier, they always got the same thing. Virgil got a black coffee whereas Janus got a hot chocolate. Logan walked up to the counter, ordered and sat back down to wait for their drinks to arrive. That was when....

"I LOVE THIS SONG!" Remus jerked upwards as his eyes pricked up to the sound of "I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums" He jumped up out of his seat and yelled/sang along, "OH WHAT A SHAME THAT YOU CAME HERE WITH SOMEONE" The friends all got up to dance and sing along with Remus, even Virgil who was incredibly nervous but still joined him. The volume turned up several times and everyone else stood up to dance with one another to the sound of Kesher's voice.

"This is so much fun!" Janus yelled into Remus' ear. Remus grinned at him, and yelled back, "I KNOW!" A few minutes later after bopping aling to the song which had been put on repeat, Remus yelled to Janus "WILL YOU YOU BE MY FUCKBUDDY?"

Janus turned his head to see Logan and Virgil dancing together. He was so in love with all of them.

"IT DEPENDS!" He replied in a shout. Remus' head tilted, spotted Logan and Virgil, and grabbed the three of them and dragged them out of the cafe. Panting, he said, "Can we all be fuckbuddies?"

Logan looked at him with a confused look. "I'm asexual Remus." Remus "oh"ed in response. If course Logan was. Even if he wasn't, why would he choose Remus out of everyone in the world? "We can be romantic buddies though? All of us?" They all turned to Logan in surprise but it was the perfect idea. They all grinned and came in for a giant group hug. "That's so gay." some randomer said as they walked out of the cafe.

They all responded with a "We're so gay." before beginning their walk to Logan's house. Virgil was in the far left, holding hands with Logan to the right of him, whose other arm was linked to Janus and finally Remus who had his head leaning on Janus. Sure, not everyone was supportive if them but they had each other and that was all they'd ever wish for.

1997 words, I hope you enjoyed the first fic of this story and my first written polyamorous ship ever. Take it easy guys, gals and non binary pals.
PEACE OUT ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖

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