Weather- Creativitwins

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TW: Swearing, threatening, graphic stuff, arguments, sibling hate, bullying, SvsS Redux Spoilers

It was raining in Remus' imagination. That pissed him off so much, he remembered specifically asking for some nice weather for once. The stupid fucking clouds are ignoring me again, Remus thought, scowling. He snapped his fingers willing the storm clouds to vanish. They didn't.

He could blame himself but he did enough of that already. Also, it wasn't like Creativity could lose control over their Imagination. It was then that it hit him.

This was Roman's doing. He scowled, of fucking course it was. Roman loved to piss his brother off. Sure, Remus liked doing the same thing but god(s), Roman always crossed the line. I mean, stealing Remus' weather control? That was way below the figurative belt.

He wanted to yell at Roman. He wanted to stab him with his own sword. He wanted to get his Morning Star and whack Roman over the head with it again. He wanted to pull out Roman's innards and feed them to him. He wanted to set him on fire and eat him alive. He wanted to...

He cut his intrusive thoughts off, giving them a stern ticking off about how he wanted to improve his and his brother's relationship.

Wait, no he didn't. Where did that thought come from? Improving his and his brother's relationship? Talking to Roman without injuring him? Impossible.

Or not.


"Greetings Roman! It is I, your amazing sibling and the Duke of... buttholes!" Remus announcing, rising into Roman's room. Roman looked up and groaned. "Remus, I don't have time for your stupid antics. Can you leave me alone?"

That pissed Remus off even more than he already was. How dare Roman interfere with the Imagination boundaries, going as far as cutting off some of Remus' control and treat him as though it was Remus' fault?!

Remus rolled his eyes, deciding to hide his feelings. "Don't worry you asshole, I'm not going to ruin your dumb scripts or whatever the fuck you're working on." Roman didn't reply, he was too busy scribbling something down on a Post-It note. He did react when Remus swore though, saying, "Stop swearing Remus, Patton doesn't approve."

"The good thing with being a Dark Side is that I don't have to listen to your stupid dad. Even though we're brothers and he's your father figure, does not mean he is mine." Roman mumbled something under his breath. "What did you say?" Remus asked. He might have good enough ears to hear him say something, but they weren't good enough to allow him to distinguish the words in particular, although he caught the word brother and something that sounded suspiciously like a swear word. So much for Patton's disapproval then.

"Nothing." Roman responded. They both jumped when Janus' silky voice seeped through the walls, saying "That's definitely not a lie." Remus could tell that Janus had said it subconsciously due to the lack of a name at the end of his accusion. You see, Janus could tell when people were lying and he often popped up to say his statement but sometimes, when he was too tired to deal with another side, too busy or when it was his subconscious, he'd simply send a verbal message without being there physically. Logan was very jealous of this ability.

"What's the truth then? What did you say?" Remus hadn't honestly cared in the beginning but the more that Roman showed his disdain to tell him, the more suspicious he got.

Roman looked up again slightly, barely looking at his brother, and simply said, "Fuck off." Now Remus was too pissed off to think rationally.

"Right, so you take away my weather control in my Imagination, which doesn't even bother you unless you want to bother me, and it's also forbidden to suppress the other's control, and when I come to your room to politely ask for you to return my control, you say something under your breath that was definitely to do with me and you won't even tell me what it is?!" Remus yelled, unable to hold in his anger. Roman blinked at him, before narrowing his eyes and yelling in return.

" You want to know what I said? I said, you're no brother of mine!" Remus gasped. Sure, they didn't like each other, and sure, most of their conversations were arguments and ended in them stabbing one another, but they never, never said anything against their brotherhood.

" I can't fucking believe you." Remus scowled, before sinking out into his room.


He woke up the next day and headed to the imagination. The sky was a bright blue and there was a huge rainbow sitting there. Remus grinned, he wasn't sure whether Roman had returned his control and this was his subconscious making the sky that way, or Roman was planning on apologising, returning his control and this was just a way to cheer Roman up before his inevitable great day.

It turned out that it was neither.

The sky immediately turned black, huge clouds had gathered and threw a mixture of heavy rain and fricking HAIL STONES at Remus. That was when Roman's voice projected itself around his entire Imagination. The sound bounced off the hills, hit Remus' special mountains where rocks fell into the water below. His Imagination was being ruined. Remus was angry, but he was mainly scared. Just how much could Roman destroy of his Imagination? And how much was he willing to?

His Imagination was being blemished by Roman's words, and he knew he'd never be able to clear himself of the memories every time he'd be in here. He'd have to wipe the whole place and recreate it. Recreat his hills, mountains, animals, memory sea (or as Remus called it, his Memory Bank) and, most of all, his Season Tree. All the stuff that he'd created as a way to escape from the fear he'd gotten from the Split and from being cast out from the Light Sides.

It was then that he realised that the words that Roman was saying, that Remus hadn't been listening to, were saying a repeated message. So he listened.

You disgust me. We will never be brothers and I will never love you. I don't care if you reset your Imagination. Your new one will be horrible and disgusting because I'll have all of the control over it. You won't have any animals, any hills, a dumb memory sea or any of that shit. You'll only have what I want you to have. Enjoy.

Would you believe me if I told you this was originally meant to be a fluff? Oops, sorry abt that. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! I'm also debating making a part 2 for this and/or a one shot based on the Imagination before Roman changed it. Idk, I feel like some people might want some more info on the memory sea and season tree so let me know if that's something you'd want to see!
1173 words
Take it easy guys, gals and non binary pals! PEACE OUT!

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