Under The Willow Tree- Logince

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TW: Murd3r, d3ath, bl00d, 4ngst, su1c1de, crying, pan1c 4ttack, p0ss3ssi0n
AU: Slightly magic (there's mentioning of spirits and stuff so)

"Stay back!" Roman yelled, pointing the gun at his friends in front of him. "R-roman, put the gun down pl-please," Patton sobbed. Logan stepped forwards slightly, trying to calm Roman down before someone got hurt.

Roman aimed the gun upwards slightly to fit Logan's height. It was facing his head and the glasses-wearing man was trying not to gulp as he looked into his boyfriend's psychotic eyes. "Stay back!" Roman warned.

Inside, he was crying. What was he doing, he didn't want to kill his friends, especially not his boyfriend, Logan! But some horrible part of him did. The part of him that had absorbed a little bit of his brother when he died all those years ago. Roman been so eager to keep Remus' spirit alive that he literally did. A piece of spirit that was manifesting within him now.

But he couldn't control what he was doing properly. His eyes had tears trapped in them, but Remus' spirit prevented him from releasing them. He wanted the others to see the pain in his eyes, but he doubted they would be able to look past the blazing glare of his brother.

He was out of control of his behaviour. All he could do was watch helplessly as Logan tried to talk him into calmness. He was saying words... or numbers? Roman couldn't tell. His ears weren't working properly and oh god why can't he see anything is he dying

A hand gently touched his shoulder and he flinched, causing his finger to instinctively press down on the trigger.

Click. A click on the trigger

Thud. A thud on the ground

Tears. A tear fell from Roman's eye

Time. No time

Logan was on the floor, blood dropping from the hole in his head. Patton was kneeling over him, wailing. Virgil was stood above Patton, gently trying to console him while crying himself. Roman was frozen to the spot, staring at his dying partner, blaming his brother even though it was his fault the spirit was trapped inside him.

Roman had cried for a long time, begging Logan to not leave him. Logan hadn't replied, he simply used the last of his strength to kiss Roman. He'd died in that moment, still touching Roman's lips, his head lifted in the air, supported by Roman's trembling arm. Remus had revelled in the feeling of having the cold lips of a dead man on his (stolen) face.

Logan was buried in front of the willow tree where he and Roman had made their life. Where they had met, where they had gone on their first date, where they had become boyfriends. Roman had carried his bleeding friend the whole way there. It was the least he could do for his dead lover.

Roman stood before the grave, whispering about how much he loved his boyfriend, apologising for his actions, trying to ignore Remus' voice, telling him to focus on how good killing someone had felt. Trying to persuade Roman to kill one of his other friends. Preferably Janus as that was Remus' boyfriend and he wanted to see him again.

Roman didn't care about his brother's words. They didn't affect him anymore. Nothing did.

Patton and Virgil had yelled at him when he told them his plan

He hadn't told Janus.

He was telling Logan now.

He hoped this would make Logan happy.

He hoped he could see Logan soon.

The cold metal of the gun was pressed against his head and Roman felt a wave of happiness coming from Remus. He hadn't wanted to die of some "boring" terminal illness.

Roman's body fell to the ground with a thud that reminded some distant part of him of Logan.

A manic smile planted itself on his face, courtesy of Remus.

Would he see Logan again soon?

Logan would be in heaven.

Roman had killed him.

Would he go to hell?

Did that mean this was for nothing?

Was he not going to see Logan at all?

The last thought in Roman's mind was that if this was all for nothing, at least he had freed his brother's spirit. Even if he didn't get his happy ending, his brother and boyfriend got there's. And that was all that really mattered to him at this point.

Tears fell from the unseeing glassy eyes.
It didn't matter to Roman if his brother and boyfriend were happy.
There was no Roman anymore.
There was nothing at all.

Wow, I'm so sorry for the huge break. Let's blame school, mental health and a massive lack of motivation. Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter (I doubt it, it's so angsty)
Take it easy guys, gals and non binary pals!
Peace out!❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖

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