Chapter 22

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"J'onn, can you confirm it's him?" Dreamer asked J'onn when they entered the coluan's cell.

"They're keeping him sedated. Smart move, considering all the damage he could do, even with the power dampeners." J'onn said.

"Well, can you confirm that this is our Brainy and if so, give him a brain dump so we can get out of here." Dreamer asked and J'onn nodded as he did a quick psychic scan and confirmed that this was the new earth counterpart of Querl Dox, so J'onn restored his memories.

"He'll wake up with a headache, but he can also tell us how and why he's here." J'onn said.

"Winn, open up the transmat portal, I might need you to reboot Brainy if he doesn't come back online on his own." Dreamer said.

"Copy that. Mon-El is starting up the frigate now, so the alien refugees should be at the DEO shortly." Winn said.

"Winn, have you heard anything about Alex?" J'onn asked.

"Kara called and said that she's in surgery, but hasn't heard anything yet." Winn said.

"Let's get back to the tower." Dreamer said as the portal opened and the two of them dragged the unconscious coluan through the portal.

"Get him to the medbay." Winn said as he helped J'onn and Dreamer pull Brainy through the Tower.

"Why hasn't he woken up yet?" Dreamer asked.

"Cadmus may have done more than just sedate him. Remember, Coluans are basically just living computers, which means that they are susceptible to computer based glitches. I'll need to run a diagnostic on Brainy's AI core to figure out what's going on." Winn said as they got Brainy situated.

"Winn, any word on Alex?" J'onn asked.

"No, but you should head there, since Kara has called Eliza. You should be there to restore Eliza's memories so that she doesn't question why you or Jeremiah are there." Winn said.

"Go, I'll meet you there later and I'll tell Mon-El to head there after he gets those aliens to safety." Nia said and J'onn nodded his agreement.

"J'onn, any chance you can give me lift?" Jeremiah asked as he got up from his own cot.

"You sure you're up for that?" J'onn asked.

"Alex patched me up before she went back for Henshaw." Jeremiah said and Winn nodded in confirmation.

"Then let's go." J'onn said as he grabbed Jeremiah and they flew towards the hospital.

Kara was waiting anxiously for any news about Alex when she saw J'onn and Jeremiah enter the waiting room.

"Any word on Alex yet?" Jeremiah asked.

"Not yet. I'm getting really worried. Kelly is in the restroom right now and Eliza is on her way here now." Kara said.

"Kelly?" Jeremiah asked.

"Alex's girlfriend. She's James' sister and honestly, she and Alex adore each other." Kara said.

"What happened to that Maggie woman Alex was dating?" Jeremiah asked.

"They were actually engaged, but Alex called it off when she found out that Maggie didn't want kids." Kara said as Kelly joined them.

"Hey, has there been any word on Alex yet?" Kelly asked.

"Not yet. Oh and Kelly, this is Jeremiah." Kara said.

"Alex's father." Kelly said as she held out her hand to Jeremiah, who shook it.

"It's nice to meet you Kelly. The fact that you're here for Alex right now is enough to put you in my good books." Jeremiah said and Kelly smiled as a nurse came out.

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