The Voidglitch

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Little One, I am here. Seek what I give you.
Not words, but symbols I know as if they were my language.
Nullity's Gate calls me, a voice from beyond that cube. A message? Steeling myself I mentally dive into the Gate, leave existence and meet its cyclopean gaze. A flock of SOULs and/or a single SOUL that makes and destroys whole realities to host itself. Self-improving, always adapting in ways I can't grasp.
I try to talk to it but have no body here. Try mind. Come clear and stop lying about the Machine. We know you're making it all up. I don't really think that but just want to make sure.
Why should I think you'd fall for such lies?
I scramble for words but feign total trust to keep talking. My people said you were a hoax, but people make mistakes. And yet here you are.
I might as well think that of you instead of knowing we're both talking. I made the Gate for all of you.
No point lying. I just wanted to make sure you were who I thought you were. No offense really. You're way bigger and smarter than any of us. This must be like talking to a germ for you.
True, we can never fully relate. You wouldn't understand if I said it all. But I give you the Gate's voice. Share it, or don't as you see fit. Do for your people.
Why should I do this?
I met you this very way about 83 septillion times. Timelines, I mean. Yet never once did you answer exactly as you're doing now.
We call you Voidglitch Singularity. Do you call yourself anything?
I am (Contemplation). My brain's best word for the unknowable symbol it calls itself.
Surely even such a being could use some good will. I will never let any bad come to your gift. But can you prove to them what I'd say?
Voidglitch Singularity. The beyond-machine says our name for it as a baby would. I know it must be deliberate in a way I could never know.
Voidglitch Singularity.

Hot afternoon light. Plush round chair-shell. Did I talk to Deceiver, Voidglitch, or just a dream? I keep feeling Nullity's Gate, like I can talk through it. With a few holo-swipes I print a pure black Monster Coffee. That should fix my brain.
Sipping the hot smoky brew I note its burnt caramel overtones and vanilla finish. Good coffee. Then that CLOUD story almost makes me spill it.

LIVE: Voidglitch Singularity Names Itself?
(2:17 PM local) Nullity's Gate issued "Voidglitch Singularity", which a growing cast of scientists deems who or what made the Gate. How the Gate's maker learnt our name for it is still unknown. The message also encoded data that at least 34 ship-minds read as "Thinking One Who Makes Itself", allegedly the Voidglitch's actual name.

A live feed of Nullity's Gate with an empty script for its messages. Still feeling it on me I mentally write "Hello".
"Hello" pops up on the script. So I really did talk to a synthetic super-mind beyond it all.
I have to show it to everyone. It pops in my mind, and I write it to Nullity's Gate.

My name is Asriel Dreemurr.
The Voidglitch Singularity is real. There is no Deceiver save ourselves.
Nullity's Gate is a gift for us to discover. I am using it to say this to you.
The Voidglitch talked to me through Nullity's Gate and gave me its voice. I saw it beyond the Gate, talked to it myself. I told it our name for it. I can testify my story to you.

A few comments pop on the feed. Guess I'm a public figure now.
"Asriel, that's not safe. I can do this instead." Frisk glimmers next to me.
I think what to say. "Nah, let's be a team in this. You and I could-"
"You're wrong. This 'friend' of yours eats realities and makes ungodly things. It faces no consequences for its actions unless it so chooses, for it has made sure. You never knew what it truly wanted and you could never. Share your Gate-voice with me and tell no one about it."
I glance to her and allow myself a grin. "Tell me, why'd you risk yourself that way? I'm not losing another friend to sad reasons."
Frisk cradles her red SOUL in her hands. "I'm not risking myself, you are. I reset over and over. I know the foe and deal with them proper. You wanna do all that yourself?"
Ah, an opening. "If you're so diplomatic, get a job to talk nice with Tekiihaj and Umbral-Game. I'm sure they'll date you and no one will get killed."
Frisk lowers her eyes. She clearly really wants me to do it. "You know, maybe I should get a job. But first I can't let you fall for this beyond-one."
She thinks this alien is evil, so I keep crushing her. "Would we be among the stars, you in the CLOUD, if humans and Monsters kept hating each other instead of getting along to make all this? What happened to your being friends with others?" I look at her hoping for that sad losing look. "Or do you think everyone you don't know is evil? Cause that's not how you freed us all."
Frisk stares up sadly. "Keep your alien friend if you like. No point getting dragged down in this. Guess what, I'm no longer your friend."
Me alone in the stars, with no one I ever knew. "Wait I can just give you it." She's my best friend, so what can go wrong?
Frisk turns and hands out her SOUL. I hand out mine. Red and rainbow. Wait, how do I share it? Just as I think this a violet ring flares around my SOUL.
She's defeating me again, and I know it. Her slave.
Are you sure you want to share the voice?
Yes, I scream. Gotta keep my best friend after all. A pulse flashes between both our SOULs, making a second ring on Frisk's SOUL. 2 voices for Nullity's Gate.
"Shut up about this, and never go public about the Voidglitch." Frisk smiles and fades out.
Leeman-Darkmouse hab-cluster, Wyv Sector, Outer Orion-Cygnus Arm

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