Getting Ready

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Asgore stood before trillions in front of the fixed-up Castle, Chara and Toriel at his side. "Frisk Prime's actions don't speak for our values as the Dreemurr Family and friends. As a History Club we stand for the future ahead, not some fairytale past. We've fought to dispel the idea growing among today's people that the past was somehow better and modern progress has ruined us. We've taught others of the Under Days we lived through, all the problems we faced back then. Never have we thought one of ours who has also lived the Under Days would want to send us all back there. For now we all must..."

Hoax or Urgent Call? Experts Divided on Asriel Dreemurr's #JoinAsriel Claim.

Alphys pored over Memory Filter 2.0's source code, piecing how it worked and what it missed she could use to break in. No time to cry over this. Fuzzing probed this copy for flaws, but Alphys always liked to read the lines herself too. Fuzzing beeped and called out several lines: code injection bug. With a confirming glance Alphys wrote an exploit, tested, and squealed as the layer broke.
Topping her exploit string with a privilege escalation, Alphys reset her copy of Memory Filter 2.0 and broke it again with her script. Now anyone could delete Memory Filter 2.0 and with it any public doubt of Frisk's story. Alphys sent her script to Cloudsec. "After this, send anything new to the media."
Mossbrae tested the script on his own Memory Filter 2.0 copy, letting Alphys see her work do it again. Satisfied he passed the script on. "Copy that."

Scientists, Leaders Urge Public to Engage in #JoinAsriel Despite Concerns

Frisk got the files from Asriel. Glad her GearsRat plan had failed she opened what he had to show her.
The Makers, or Wiu'Dlekeh. Curiosity and guilt gripped her as she saw that squat fungoid people, their trickster-heroes of myth, their songs of weaving huts and carving stone, their thinking machines, their fierce drive to invent and overcome. A people as deserving of life as any of her friends. This was who she'd wanted to destroy for a plan she now found less and less good every minute. She closed the file and lay down, unable to see herself for what she'd been thinking. No, that was not her. That was Frisk Prime, their enemy. Frisk had already made peace with what she'd started. She would not allow her stupid past to taint who she could someday be, and with Asriel by her side she'd make sure there even was a someday.
Frisk of the team. Steeling herself she called Asriel. "What should I do now?"
Asriel showed up ready. "Spread the word. Get in touch with the History Club. Also try to rest, because you might be needed in this fight. Which role is yours?"
Frisk thought a little. She'd done it before, and the Wiu'Dlekeh might still be alive in the Voidglitch. If she could save them she could tilt the battle in all their favor. "Negotiator."

34 Arrested in Plot to Disable CLOUD Relays over #JoinAsriel Craze: "We had nothing to live for."

Analyst Snowdrop of Cloudsec watched real-time CLOUD traffic with 20 others, hoping he'd make this worth it. As part of this small task force he'd have to stay here and keep the CLOUD itself safe instead of joining everyone else in their fight. He regretted that not, for the CLOUD was Asriel's crucial weapon. A weapon someone had to keep sharp. Someone to load shots and parry backstabs, for some archaic metaphors. A few hacking martyr-fools wouldn't be a problem on his watch.
A thought made him recoil. If his team lost he'd spend his final moments amidst cold holos instead of his family back in Nodswinn Hab-fleet. He reached and met engineer Cataldo Lin Kaung's real hand.
Snowdrop found words. "I love you. I mean, I like all we've done together as a team really."
Cataldo said nothing but took an arm to cradle Snowdrop. Together they waited for the traffic surge that would decide all their fates.
Admiral Breadbird called Xenobiologist Ryujen in the evening. "Have you updated your models of Nullity's Gate from last time?"
Ryujen stretched and puffed up, nudging Asriel. "Not since the Asriel news broke out. Same theory of reality engineering and timeline synthesis arrays. Why?"
Breadbird looked up in fear. "We have no way to destroy the Gate. If that Frisk Prime has already copied herself across the Voidglitch not even our DT-magical planet breakers will kill her. Nor does any race we know have the tech to do that if we managed such a deal on time."
Ryujen: "The Voidglitch could do it, if we had that option now instead of Frisk Prime."
Breadbird: "Why'd Frisk Prime not Restart back then? She could do it days ago instead of giving us time to regroup."
Asriel turned to Breadbird. "I didn't think to mention, but the Voidglitch said it knew this. It encrypted itself to delay Frisk Prime's access to its tech. That timer I gave you was about how long Frisk Prime would take to figure it out."
Clumsy. Asriel should've disclosed this crucial info at once. Least he did so now.
Breadbird: "I was afraid to trust such a mission to you."
Asriel smiled his usual easy going way. "I offer you all a chance to live and build your own future instead of Frisk Prime undoing you all. Your choice."
Breadbird sent him a few plan-holos. "A lightly-armed survey fleet will follow you to the Gate, taking intel as needed. Given your traffic needs they'll act also as backup relays. We don't usually link our ships directly to the CLOUD, y'know. You'll have to deal most of the firepower on the Gate. Would you need a small magic-suiting ship or pilot-suit?"
"No. If I have enough magic to defeat Frisk Prime and take back the Gate, I've enough to be fine out there."
Asriel must be mad, Ryujen thought. But hadn't she casually spilled about a really good magic user surviving in deep space? Creepy how this kid picked up such little things for his big plans.
Breadbird: "Are you sure? We have many, many ships and suits should you ever change your mind."
Asriel pushed on. "Affirmative. I'll need no ship. Meet me at the Gate and make sure to stream my fight live to the media. I'll try to have Frisk as negotiator first."
Breadbird: "Good thinking. Sometimes we win from more fronts than one."

Stellartale: Nullity's DreamerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant