News Doings

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I grip the white arch-bench, shaking as the clone's memories confirm my worst fears of what Frisk did to me. Ryujen calmly takes the news that Frisk also faked her vid to hide the Voidglitch.
Berrin goes on as usual. "The suspected clone has been very cooperative with us and shows deep remorse for its crimes. It has asked to apologize to you but makes very strange claims on Frisk's full motives. The clone also has a memory filter similar to what Frisk put in you but patched up, and our team is working to find and exploit a new flaw."
Could I ever forgive Frisk for this? And is a clone guilty of the crimes too? Nevermind. "What did Frisk do after you told her about the clone?"
Berrin glances worriedly. "She fled to the Clone's starting point deep in the History Club's simu-data. Our search crawlers found none of her but found a worm using spread function code from this GearsRat she used on your ship. This worm appears to target an unknown code-language likely of Xeno origin. We don't know where Frisk went or how this worm plays in."

Save yourself, little one.
What? Voidglitch talking to me now?
It goes on stiffly, as if in painful struggle. Don't worry about me. I'm encrypting my own functions so only I may truly access myself. An intruder with my substrate would take about 143.75 hours to access my full powers. The agent-
Stop faking. I'm not fooled.

It's not like Frisk could ever hack that beyond-machine, could she?
"Would you like us to alert the media?"
I think about it. The world should know. Frisk should have to come clean about this. "Yes. Publish all you can. Why did Frisk do this?" It's all too much for me.
"Ideological. From our clone's memories, Frisk built the worm to take over the Voidglitch. With its tech she plans to trap time in a closed 24-hour loop of the Under Days, destroy all possible futures, then destroy the Voidglitch itself. Its veracity is very low as major parts counter known scientific records."
Turn back time. Berrin, Jordina, Ryujen, and now Chara would've never lived. And what of me and my high-tech second chance at life? The Granting trick Toriel told me should give me enough magic to fuel Hyper Goner and maybe save the timelines. This Frisk threat should give everyone that cause. But Frisk defeated me once; can I ever defeat her?
I did this. "I'm sorry, but before we left I gave Frisk the Gate's voice. I didn't have to, but I did."
Ryujen gasps. "You have to tell the media."
Berrin: "Got that. Copy to all teams."
I set a timer to the 143 hours, 27 minutes we have left. "Sparky, Frisk's-"
She returns in a puff of white sparks. "Invaded the Makers to use their machines, I heard. I could help you. Sure you don't want a few SOUL augments to enhance your magic?"
"Only if my first plan doesn't work." I'm not gonna change the very culmination of my being just to fight better.
Sparky: "I'm not sure even all our SOULs and augments can oppose the Maker's machines. Just asking for the odd chance."
I twirl a Chaos Saber for hand practice. "Everything's an odd chance."
Sparky: "Your CLOUD has far more magic and DT than we yet know how to build into a single SOUL. Maybe enough to stop her. If only you can gather it all in the right shape." she fades out.

Vista News Live: Suspected Clone Gives Testimony on History Club's Frisk

(blogs/rant): Anti-Frisk media hoax? Read below. #FriskIsInnocent #DeepState #StopTheStream

x_LancingSw0rds_x: This is so stupid. There's no Voidglitch. Frisk should sue @VistaNewsOfficial for knowingly aiding Fake Info. #BoycottVista #WakeUp
FriskGang_Alastor: Frisk is a pacifist hero -_-. She'd never do such heinous crimes. #StandWithFrisk #FakeInfoAct #BoycottVista
Tyrazerg420: Another Scone lies **** up to not get baked. @VistaNewsOfficial #StopTheStream before that scone ruins you even more.

They need to know. I start a livestream. "Hello everyone, this is Asriel Dreemurr. I'm here with Ryujen Fangmoon. Looks like we survived the ship. As you might've heard I did in fact have a memory filter taken out and found a bug in our ship."
Few likes. A comment that I'm a staged actor the clone hired for lewd reasons.
"If you doubt this, have the media come over to judge my story."
News icons pop up, asking for access: Daily Delta, Xenon-Neon Live, FNN, Romero Times, MTT News, Chraude Weekly, Wodsinn Sun, Karde Live, and more. I allow all of them, watching all those reporters greet me at once as I show on their feeds. My mind races for what I should tell the maybe trillions watching me now.
Verdana Gothic of Galactic Daily: "Nice to see you, Asriel. Do you know whether this Frisk did any crimes against you?"
A trap of phrasing? "To all evidence I've seen, I was there and I testify Frisk did these crimes."
Verdana turns a feed to Berrin: "The Clone still had a memory filter. Do you think these crime memories might've been faked?"
Berrin: "No. It'd be very hard to flawlessly stage that much content even with our best tools. The alleged crimes also match up to our evidence such as this GearsRat tool and Ryujen fake vid. We'll only know for sure once we find the right bug and take the filter off Frisk."
Kray Box of Chraude Weekly: "Wait, did you just call an illegal clone the real Frisk?"
Berrin: "In theory she could legally claim Frisk's person if she was her only living copy. But I doubt that's the case right now."
Kray pulls up a sorrowful clone-Frisk as he gets back to me. " Asriel, do you consider this thing Frisk? Anything to tell it?"
Clone-Frisk looks up and sobs, unable to meet my gaze: "I tried to get rid of you, Asriel. I thought this world was a mistake and you'd like my plan. Don't hurt yourself with me."
2 Frisks. One I must stop at all costs, and one standing before me. Much as I hate what she did, I don't want to lose the friend who rescued me from that soulless leafy prison. "They're both Frisk. Frisk, I thank you for giving me a second chance at life and teaching me who I am. You can be so much more than a stupid old plan if you choose."
Frisk glares at me through virtual tears. "I tried to kill you when I was done. What has you think I'd do anything good for you?"
Only one Frisk left for me, one last chance to save her. "Haven't you like, tried being a good person? Actually you did that once and freed us all."
Frisk stops crying. "I hated this result so much I used you to try and undo it all. What makes you think I won't keep trying?"
I grin, knowing what to say. "What'll come from doing the bad thing? I know exactly what, and it's never cool. Let's do the good thing together and show how much better you are than well, that other Frisk."
Jackbloox of MTT News: "We didn't give you time to show your redemption arc. Our ratings just went up by 620% because of that."
Frisk: "If we're a team, we need a new name for that jerk inside the Voidglitch. How about First Frisk?"
Ratings, Jackbloox said. I have a better name. "We need more rule of cool here. Really stick with everyone. How about Frisk Prime?"
Frisk smiles, clapping. "Frisk Prime, as in alien robot. I like it."
Verdana: "What exactly will you 2 do about the alleged Voidglitch hack?"
Hyper Goner. Save timelines. "Can I make a request to all your viewers?"
Verdana leans back. "Yes. Go ahead." Other reporters join in. Only 2 blink out.
Now's the hard part. "I want all of you to know my name again: Asriel Dreemurr. The very Asriel Dreemurr who told you through Nullity's Gate. Please keep this and share. If Frisk Prime wins, we and everything we have will be gone. But we all have the power to stop her right now. In 6 Earth-days I'll need you all to grant me your SOUL's magic and DT such I may defeat Frisk Prime. Be ready."
Jackbloox: "Every SOUL at once has never been done before. You're gonna crash the CLOUD and kill trillions."
Verdana: "CLOUD protocols have been designed for traffic spikes, but we'll need a whole new one this time."
Jackbloox: "Cloudsec will have all that ready in time. Just so you hear."
Harris Kojima of Galactic Post: "Why should we trust you with this fight? We'll have the Delta Military confirm this and maybe guide a couple planet-grade Mana Fusion shafts through Nullity's Gate. Whatever kicks the Frisk Prime out of there."
"How long will that take?"
Harris: From what we know, a few days of intel first. We'll have a good idea what can kill Frisk Prime, and only if the stakes are true will those planet breakers OK."
I send all news outlets my timer: 142 hours, 51 minutes, 32 seconds left. "This is about how much time we have before Frisk Prime wins. 6 days if we do nothing. And I'm not sure if even planet-grade can take out Frisk Prime."
C-62.1 of Business Press Live: "Why should we trust you of all people to do this?"
Easy. "I've fought this Frisk personally. I know her, how she fights. And I know a spell that can save the timeline." And I still lost to her, I don't say.
C-62.1: "How'd you get the main public on board in this little time? And will this protocol be up in time to catch your load?"
My strategic grin. "Wanna bet?"
Harris blinks hard. "Sumimasen, Dreemurr-san. Didn't want to impede you one bit. It's a big thing to save the world."
I stand forward for the whole world to see. "Again, this is Asriel Dreemurr. Reporters, show this to your viewers if you wish. I only ask you all to be ready to grant your SOULs at my say so we can all save the timeline from Frisk Prime. Do only what you feel is right." I end my livestream.

BREAKING: Celebrity Frisk Admits to Attempted Murder, Memory Tampering on Live News

Cakes4tKnight: I like Frisk but I'm not having her choose how I live. #JoinAsriel #TeamAsriel #StopFriskPrime
Socks_DatingBlorgz: @Cakes4tKnight **** off. I never saw my dad after the Slaughter-Creed took my system and almost did me too. Now Azzy wants to destroy our only chance to make it right. #FriskPrimeSavesAll #LeaveAsriel #TeamRestart
Pizzatosis13: Why does this Asriel want so much power right now? #FriskPrimeHoax #FriskFramed
Hazbin_Templin: My birthday's in 2 weeks TwT. Meet me for one last stream of Razii Nightfeather's Journey 3 before it's all over. Gonna try out this #JoinAsriel challenge soon ;)
Frisk4EverWolf: I believed in Frisk and this is how she repays us all. Tossing my Frisk holo-pillow and all my Frisk music vids tonight. #JoinAsriel #FriskIsOverParty

OwO What's Trending?: 20 Dank AF #JoinAsriel Memes That'll Make Your Day And Save Your World

A holo-call. Jordina waves to me from within her swarm of holos. "I saw your show. Our whole team just started on this new CLOUD protocol. In 2 days or so we'll update every link relay to safely handle your traffic surge. That part will take seconds."
Faster than Frisk Prime can crack the Voidglitch's deceits, I think. "So the CLOUD won't crash when everyone does the SOUL thing?"
Jordina spins a fresh wave of holos showing a web of lines and dots. "Slick as a hawk. No crash. Now let me test this network code." she logs off.
Ryujen nuzzles my arm. "We should both follow this trend as it happens. I'll call up help." Holos bloom up to track support levels and trending tags in real time.
I spin a map of how many are liking or hating my cause across the CLOUD. Mostly likes with a few hater nodes. "When should I ask them all to grant?"
Ryujen: "Wait for the protocol to go live. The rest is your choice."

Dreemurr Family Welcomes Back Long-Lost Human "Chara": Reportedly Happy Despite Ongoing Frisk Prime Scandal

Chara. A red SOUL like Frisk.
I call her. "What do you think of destroying timelines?"
Chara: "Not new to me. Back then I vowed to destroy any timeline where Frisk killed everyone."
Me when I was Flowey. Killing everyone, resetting, repeating steps 1 and 2. "Did you use DT for that?"
"Correct. Never had to do it though. I've forgotten why, but yeah those would be some useless boring timelines with no one to stir things up. Boring like Frisk Prime's plan."
"Hey maybe with your DT you could-"
Chara: "No. The Voidglitch controls time on a fundamental level beyond what DT can do. We'd have to use its tech against Frisk. Anyways I've got History Club work to do."

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