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     "I hope Shadow will be okay. I've never seen him that put out before," Amy mused as she and her friends trekked their way out of the jungle. Sonic, being the ever-optimistic leader that he is, was quick to calm her worries. 

     "Don't worry about it, Ames. He is the Shadow. And with all of those Black Arms taking care of him, I'm sure he'll be fine." 

    Amy nodded and smiled, "You're right, Sonic. It's just hard to believe that he's been protecting them for all this time, when we thought he just another villain." 

    "I know what you mean," Tails spoke up, joining the conversation, "Although that would explain why he isn't around a lot. They must keep him pretty busy."

     "Yeah. But at least they won't hurt us if we stay out of their territory. We just have to get back to the village and come up with a plan that won't freak everybody else out." 

    But while everyone else was talking, Sticks was very deep in thought...He's lived in the wild, just like me, and he can communicate with those giant animals. He acts like they are a part of his family. Like he's a member of the pack...But if that's true, why does he look so different from them? And how come I've never seen the Black Arms before?! I thought I've met all of the animals on this island! Are they aliens!? Is Shadow their leader, who is plotting to take over the world?! No, that's stupid. An evil leader wouldn't use up all of his power to heal somebody....

     "Hey, Sticks, you okay?" Sonic asked. They rarely had a conversation that lasted longer than five minutes without her adding one of her crazy, paranoid ideas to the mix. The badger shook her head quickly. 

     "I'm fine. Just thinkin' is all," she suddenly snapped, as if she remembered something important, "We gotta hurry! Who knows what kind of danger the town could be in now that I've left that mutated breakfast burrito alone!" she exclaimed. The others shrugged but decided it was best to hurry up anyways, unaware of the spy cam floating behind a tree.

At the Black Arms' Cave

     Shadow grunted and sat up, rubbing his head as he did so. He felt extremely tired and a little disoriented, one of the side effects of expelling so much energy at once. As soon as he was able to stop seeing double, he could tell that he was still in the cave. In fact, he was on his ledge, with the entire pack curled around him protectively, although it appeared they were asleep. Redwing's tail was curled tightly around his middle, securing him, but also preventing much movement. He tried to pry it off of him, but it only tightened further. 

    "Redwing, you can let go of me now. I'm not going to fall off," he stated, and he felt the appendage loosen. The Black Hawk stretched his wings and moved to face the young Alpha. 

    "You're awake! Finally!" he trilled, waking the rest of the pack as he did so. The others stirred and got up to check on their leader. Shadow released a barely audible groan at the sudden wave of telepathic questions bombarding his already throbbing skull. 

     "I'm fine," he answered and pushed himself up, "Have Sonic and the others left?" 

    Yes, a voice in his mind answered, They left a few hours ago. They should be close to their den by now.

    The striped mobian nodded, "Good. Tonight we will resume the hunt. The stores are too far depleted for us to remain here another night without hunting." 

      "You shall remain here for the hunt," Fireclaw stated as if it were fact, "You have expended enough of your energy. It would be better for you to stay here." 

     Shadow growled, "I am perfectly capable of going on a hunt. I'm not dead, and I did not ask for your permission!" 

     "Neither did I," the Black Oak argued sternly, sounding very similar to a parent who was trying to be patient, "You are a good Alpha, Shadow. But you need rest, just like us. You cannot use up anymore of your energy." 

Bygone Adventures: Episode 1 "Wild Side"Where stories live. Discover now