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dear donghyuck,

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dear donghyuck,

sometimes i look at the letter from the other days and i feel like i wrote forever but then they are all short.

like i kinda wanna keep them short because bless your soul if you had to read 100 letters that were all 5 pages long

respectfully, if you did that for me i would just say 'move over bitch im joining you in the casket because aint no way im reading this shit'

anywhore (i say this too much, im aware)

what happened today worth telling...

oh i just remembered!

you know how i was telling you about the literature project me and na are doing??

well apparently its due friday because we had "the entire spring break to work on it" and we havent even started.

do you know what that means?

i cant hang out with you at all after school this week because i have to spend it with na </3 jaemin </3

but its okay, i will keep you updated on how that goes!

nothing really happened in class today.

everyone is still winding down from spring break.

although it is funny how many people are just now noticing the brace on my and jenos wrists.

like mine will be fine in a few more days, but jeno...

its so funny how you are just sitting here helping tell everyone what happened to me while jaemin is giving everyone a death glare that comes up to his boyfriend.

okay i get it, we are not dating, but we have a more than friends bond if i do say so myself.

you looked pretty today while telling everyone what happened <3

wow im even flirting now

i feel like i am just going to get more and more bold as these letters continue :o


i love how you sometimes talk for me.

i am an introvert and a half and you know that, so at times my social battery runs down rather fast.

you are always very observant when it comes to that and you easily can tell when to step in.

this is something i think about a lot because sometimes extroverts just step on introverts toes rather than actually help them out, but you dont.

you know when to talk for me and when to let me talk and i just genuinely love that so much.

well i mean

i love you hyuck~

your dying friend,

from now on updates will be daily!

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from now on updates will be daily!

all the chapters are prewritten so i will not miss a day, i promise

the date will match (my time i am sorry if you live in a different time zone </3), but the day of the week will not.

when i first wrote this it was 2020 so it now being 2023 we will always be 3 days ahead.

i didnt change it because i didnt really want the story to have a specific year to it.

i hope you have been enjoying so far!

im actually back this time!!


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