Rise Of A Princess

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Back again guys and this gonna be a big one! Seven thousand plus words, and one big chapter. Enjoy!


***New Asgard***

Jamie, Bruce, Viv, and Rocket rode in the bed of a truck as it drove down a road. It approached a harbor and passed a sign that read 'New Asgard'.

As they rode on down the hill, Jamie's phone began to ring. "Hello?"

"Jamie, it's Nikki!" His sister replied on the other end.

"Hey, what do ya need?" He asked.

"Well, I was checking up on Uncle Clint's house and the surrounding area..."


"Well, based on public records and a few bills of the past six months, it looks like someone's been living there."

Jamie's eyebrows knit together at those words. "'Living there', who? Other than Frankie, Uncle Clint and his family are all gone.......right?"

"Supposedly. But, do you think that maybe...maybe-"

"-maybe Frankie came back home?"


"How bout this, after we leave New Asgard, we'll stop by there and check it out? And if it turns out he's there...we'll try to bring him home."

"Would you, please?"

Jamie rolled his eyes and chortled at his sister's begging. "Sure."

"Thanks Jamie! Keep me updated!"

"I will."

"Alright, I'll talk you you later."


"OH! And tell Torunn I said 'hi'."

"Heh, I will."

"Alright, bye."


"What was that about?" Bruce asked.

"That's was Nikki, she gave some info. Apparently, someone's been living at Uncle Clint's for the last six months."

"So what?" Rocket interjected, "Someone else probably moved in. Not like it doesn't happen."

"He does have a point, Jamie." Viv chimed in too. "It's not uncommon for people to move into vacant houses. Especially if they're in the countryside."

Jamie nodded at that, which was mixed with the shaking of the bed of the truck. But that still didn't shake a funny feeling that something else was going on with his uncle's house. "Maybe.....but I wanna be sure. Can we stop by there after we leave here?"

Jamie looked to Bruce for an answer, but the large green Hulk just smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "You already promised Nikki we would. And I'm not about to break a promise to her." He said proudly.

Jamie nodded and smiled back at him in thanks as they continued down the mountain road, towards a village and past a sign that read...



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