~Chapter 12~

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i held my position so the water would not crash on neither of them i could feel Maui staring at me but i ignored it and focused at what Moana was doing Moana started to walk towards Te'Ka and Te'Ka ran towards her she was saying something but i could not quite figure out what she was saying once they came close enough Te'Ka stopped right in front of Moana and she was standing on a rock suddenly i saw something i never had seen before Te'Ka didn't attack Moana instead it's head came closer to hers and it had no lava anymore Moana placed one hand on Te'Ka's head and her own head also against Te'Ka's the lava monster closed it's eyes and Moana walked down and did something suddenly Te'Ka started to fall apart and we saw Te'Fiti coming from it i looked at Maui and he looked at me we where pretty shocked because that was unexpected i looked back at Moana and Te'Fiti and saw that Te'Fiti was going back to her island so i picked up Moana and let the rest of the water close in again i brought her high up so she could see everything Te'Fiti ran her hand trough the almost dead island and gave life to it once again once the island was living again

i placed Moana on the island i quickly grabbed Maui with the water and placed him next to Moana followed by me i stood next to Maui then i suddenly remembered hei hei i found him lying in the water so i shot him up towards us once hei hei landed Maui said " the chicken lives " Moana chuckled and looked at the both of us and said " i'm sorry about your hook and staff " Maui smiled and said " well, hook, no hook... i'm Maui "" eh the staff just helps me control things better so no biggy " i said after Maui suddenly out of nowhere the ground started to shake and we go lifted up we all noticed we where standing on Te'Fiti's hand Moana and i quickly bowed down  Maui was still standing so me being on the right side i gave him a quick nudge while Moana gesture for him to bow down he quickly responded and bowed down Te'Fiti moved her hand a bit so she could see Maui i looked up at Te'Fiti the same time Moana did suddenly Maui stood up and said while laughing very awkwardly " Te'Fiti, hey, i mean how you been? " Te'Fiti didn't smile anymore but gave Maui a 'Really' face i noticed Maui cleared his throat and said " Look, what i did was, wrong, i have no excuse... i'm sorry "

me and Moana stood up while Te'Fiti brought her other hand up and opened it to show a new hook and a new not broken staff i smiled and thanked her i grabbed the staff i saw that my other staff disappeared and Maui wanted to grab the hook but first look at Moana an me Moana said " you know it'd be rude to refuse a gift from a goddess " with that Maui grabbed his new hook and did said " CHEEEEEHO- " Moana nudged him and he immediately stopped and said " Thank you, you kind gesture is deeply appreciated, cheho " with that Maui turned into a beetle and flew down i smiled at Te'Fiti and thanked her once more before i jumped off of her hand onto the ground i wanted to land when suddenly i got caught by two arms i looked up to see it was Maui suddenly he placed a kiss on my lips and said " that was for everything you've done Goddess of the ocean and it was also kinda something i wanted to do for a while " i was actually shocked and said " you found out what goddess i am huh " he placed me down and said " yes and i am sorry for all the horrible things i have said about the ocean " i saw he was actually sorry because he looked down with sorrow

so i stood on my toes to reach his height and i placed a quick kiss on his lips he looked at me and smiled then suddenly Moana said " took you two long enough " then we all looked up at Te'Fiti she used some of her power to make Moana a new boat Te'Fiti suddenly started to grow higher and layed down we all started to help out to get some supplies in the boat suddenly Maui said " gonna miss you drumstick " Moana looked at him and said " you could come with us y'know, my people are going to need a master wayfinder " Maui looked at me and back at Moana and said " the already have one " he then showed a new forming tattoo and it was Moana on a boat he then showed his arm and we saw me standing on the ocean me and Moana smiled and i showed them my new Tattoo's 

so i stood on my toes to reach his height and i placed a quick kiss on his lips he looked at me and smiled then suddenly Moana said " took you two long enough " then we all looked up at Te'Fiti she used some of her power to make Moana a new boat T...

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Moana and Maui where smiling at me now too Moan grabbed my arm and forced us into a group hug i gladly joined and so did Maui we parted Mini Maui was waving goodbye to Moana and me and we did the same to him Moana said " see you out there Maui " he smiled at us and said " see you out there Moana and (y/n) " while Maui was doing his cheho thing he turned into a hawk and flew up i quickly made the water do fun things Moana chuckled we watched as Maui took off and not long after i went and took off too after i told Moana why i was at this trip once i was gone i wen't along with Moana towards Motunui since it is now and always be my duty to keep Moana safe

time skip till shore of Motunui

Moana rand off the boat towards her parents and yelled " Mom Dad! " they hugged for a while before parting a bit then Moana looked at her dad and said " i may have gone a little ways past the reef " i could hear Tui chuckle and say " it suits you " then out of nowhere the whole village came running and saying that she was back then hei hei was about to walk into the water so i quickly grabbed him up and turned him around and gave him a little nudge to walk 

Time skip after a few days

it has been a few days and Moana and her people got out the other boats i was so happy about everything that happened Moana looked down to the shore and i made a path for her to the same shell i wanted to give her wen she was a toddler she grabbed it up and went up a mountain later she came back and they started to sail onto the sea she had learned all of her people how to wayfind eventually she went to check if the water currents where warm she was on the edge holding in one hand a rope so she would not fall into the water and the other she used to check the water but when she did a big manta ray came and let her stroke it after that was done she wen't up the mast and looked over her people when suddenly Maui came flying around her i Moana looked back at the water and saw my head and arm i waved at her and she did that back.

i hope you enjoyed reading my book 

i am thinking about making a second book but that's just if you guys want it so comment down bellow if you do 

and i'll see you guys in my next book


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