Chapter Four| History with Reassurance

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I headed back to my room with the dress in my hands, wondering who the friend of his was. I tool the dress of the hanger and took off my clothes, putting the corset on and successfully tying it - thanks to my job as a waitress. I then carefully put the dress on, tying that as well, then looking in the mirror at myself - the Victorian style dress fit perfectly.

I pinned my red curls up in a ball on the back of my head, leaving my bangs and some fly-aways. I wrapped the shaw on the inside of my elbows and walked out into the hallway, closing the door and locking it with the key the Doctor gave me - tucking it down the front of my dress.

I continued walking down the halls and to the control room, the heels underneath the dress clicking with every step. I saw the Doctor at the control panel, in what looked like his usual outfit. I walked in as he turned around to face me, pulling another cute smile.

"Well, I wouldn't have gave you that dress if I knew you were going to look better than me." He spoke quietly, though he must have known I was blushing at his complement, smiling as he walked around the control panel - pressing buttons and pulling levers, once more, the humming coming back.

"Can I have a hint as to whom we are meeting?" I questioned, folding my hands in front of me as the Doctor came towards me and smiled, putting his hand in a pocket. "Well, most of us call him Captain." He chuckled a bit, shaking his head as if he had remembered a memory with him. I then looked at his outfit, realizing that he didn't change at all. "Why didn't you dress up?" I asked as I messed around with the collar of his shirt.

"I did. I'm wearing a blue bowtie, not red." He smiled as he held up the cloth for the bowtie up in front of me, snatching it from his hand and tying it in a bow around his collar - smiling as he looked down at me and smiled a bit. I stopped messing with his collar, getting it to the point to where it was perfect, then looked up at him. He was smiling at me, his smile was the way it always was, and his cunning self.

"You know, you do look beautiful." The Doctor's words quieting me down and and making me blush again. "Once again, I just want to thank you." I replied back as he looked at me. "You've already thanked me once, you don't have to do so again." The Doctor continued quietly as his voice echoed through the TARDIS. I hugged him, his reaction the same as last nights. Though I didn't know why, I just had the urge to hug him, probably thinking that physical contact was the only thing to get it through to him.

"I don't know what I would have done if I went out there and you weren't there, what I would have done if that... thing were to do to me." I breathed in shallow breaths as he held my head up to face him, small tears falling down to my cheeks. "Come on. Don't cry, dear." I put my forehead against his, him - placing his hands on my cheeks. He move my head to make me look at him. "Don't cry." He repeated to me again, wiping the tears away with his thumbs.

I took in another breathe and looked at him; he smiled a soft half smile at me, though concerned. I looked down and away, trying to avoid contact, though he only moved my face again. He only leaned in closer, almost close enough to feel his warmth. I wiped my tears away and finally got my breath to its regular pace, finally looking into his eyes; a beautiful brown, and what I thought from what I could see looked like the universe.

I slightly smiled as he smiled back, pulling me near and pecking my cheek and walking around the control panel, looking at me through the corner of his eyes with a lingering smile. I stood there, shocked, immediately knowing that feeling. "Are you ready?" He asked as I nodded my head and he pulled a lever, taking us to our destination.

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