Chapter Fourteen | An Unusual Surprise

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I smiled at his words, though I truly didn't believed that I would have a child. I moved my legs out of the water, placing them on a towel and dried them off.

"I'm going to bed." I said quietly as I leaned over, placing my lips on his cheek before getting up.

I got to my room, changing into clean pajamas as I crawled under the covers and closed my eyes, slowly falling to sleep.


I opened my eyes.

Something didn't feel right.

My body felt different - not in a good way.

I walked out of my room and headed to the kitchen. I wasn't sure if I was hungry or just in pain around the stomach area. I finally made it, heading to the fridge and opening it. Everything looked so good but yet sounded so terrible at the same time.

After an hour of trying to figure out what to eat, I gave up. I practically had pulled out everything in the fridge and then put it back. I walked out and headed my way to the control room, seeing the Doctor standing as he fiddled around with the TARDIS controls.

"Doctor," I said quietly as he turned around, seeing me holding my stomach. "I don't feel too good."

"Ah, come along, dear. Let's see what the matter is." He took me to a room, and moved me up against a concrete wall and pulled a big machine from the side. It flicked a few times as I watched his reaction.

"That's what the problem is," he sighed but smiled at the same time.

"You're pregnant."


*Another Plot Twist!

Sorry that this one was so short, I wasnt sure on what to put next - so nothing is better than a second plot twist! Like it? Hate it? Tell me!*

~ A Smith Addict

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