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The silent night was suddenly replaced by chattering sounds that came from inside the pub as soon as James pushed the transparent door. They stepped inside, looking for empty table and found one near the bar.

James and Lars led the way to the empty table number 05 and then Cliff called someone from behind the countertop to order drinks (and food) after they sat down.

"Five bottles of beer and one sandwich, anything else?" Cliff asked to the two guys who sat across from him and Alexandra.

"I'm not drinking," said Alexandra with the flat tone as usual.

"Didn't order that one for you. I need two beers," Cliff replied while looking at her then looked at James and then Lars, waiting if they wanted to order more but he got no answers.

"That's all," the waiters rushed to the beer section as Cliff finished the order.

"So, uhh," James was trying to draw his friends atttention and it's working. Now Lars, Cliff, and Alexandra were all looking at him.

"Oh yeah right, so why were you looking for me?" Cliff continued.

James scratched his head before he spoke, "We have this band called 'Metallica' and uhh, the bassist'd just left the band." His low voice was heard clearly though the pub was full of laughter and clinking sound from beer bottles.

"And we think you'd really fit in. Because you're a big psycho , " Lars said. He was now leaning in towards Cliff, who sat across from him.

"Uhh, I don't know, man. . ." a long paused between Cliff's words before he continued.
"Can't move here, my parents and I live around San Francisco."

"Well, ask them to move here with you," Lars shrugged as though it's the best idea. His proud face was visible through the dim light in the pub.

"No, they wouldn't want it. Me neither. Beside, where are we gonna live?" Cliff refused. He thought (well, everybody would) it wasn't a good idea to immediately move to Los Angeles just to join an unknown band with uncertain future.

"Oh don't worry about that, we got a place, right James?" Lars said excitedly while nudging James' left arm hardly.

James shot a quick deadly glance at Lars as he hit him and then looked back to Cliff, "But your parents would have to look for a place, they wouldn't fit in ours,"

"That's- " Cliff paused as the waiters came with four bottle of beers and a sandwich, "Thanks," he said to the waiters, "We wouldn't spend another bucks for a place to live, you know. . ." Cliff said while opening his beer bottle.

"Well, can't you- you know. . . move here without your parents?" James asked carefully. He grabbed a bottle of beer and gulped it down just to make him more relax.

Cliff didn't say a word but shook his head slowly, indicating that he's not okay with the offer.

"We'll move to San Francisco if that what it takes," Lars, again, came up with the best solution, in his opinion.

"Yeah, L.A. sucks anyway," James said in casual way then sipped his beer.

"That's not the point," Alexandra said while cleaning her palms with a tissue. Everyone in table number 05 drew their attention to her because this was the first time she said anything since they'd gotten inside. She was looking to the wooden table but then looked at James then Lars.

"He won't leave his band," she said, still chewing. "Right?" She then looked at Cliff, her eyebrows rose as if she had already knew what's the answer.

Cliff nodded in agreement, "Well uhh, I can't leave the band. . . we're touring and all that," He spoke as he lit another cigarette.

James and Lars were lost in thoughts. They didn't reply with anything more than a nod, meaning that they completely understood. James, however, glanced at Alexandra who looked as though as she's careless about what's up between the three of them. Cliff didn't say anything either, trying to find words to turn down their offer.

"Sorry man, but I really can't do it," Cliff stood up then put fifteen bucks on the table. "Gotta do something outside, nice to meet you all," he smirked to each of them and then asked Alexandra if she wanted to stay there with the guys or leave with him. She shook his head and didn't move from where she was, then Cliff left the pub.

"That's how he acts," Alexandra had spoken another words which gave a big surprise for James and Lars. She noticed their surprised faces and then chuckled softly. "Chill dude, do I look like an evil?" she said in rather friendly way than it was when they were outside.

James and Lars calmed a bit and they chuckled. "Kinda," James replied with low voice but still heard by Alexandra. She didn't reply with anything but a smile on the corner of her lips.

"You were the girl on the stage earlier, huh?" Lars, once again, leaned in to the table, to have a closer look on Alexandra.

She nodded, "If you mean the second band to appear, yeah that was me," her voice faded away as another band came to the stage with loud music. People around the stage were cheering as loud as before again.

"You did well," James said, even though he preferred to admire the floor below him instead of looking at Alexandra who was now analyzing him.

"Have we met before?" She asked, totally ignoring the compliment she'd just received, "You seem kinda familiar," her forehead furrowed, trying to recall the time when she'd ever met this blonde guy.

James looked up at her with a visible surprised on his face, "Uhh I don't know, never met you before, I guess," he confessed. His face felt slightly warm as he said this to her.

Alexandra opened her mouth to answer but Lars cleared his throat loudly. She shot him a dirty look then she frowned.

"So you decided to stay here, huh?" His eyebrows rose and his expression was nothing less than a douchebag.

"Yeah, was just gonna tell you that Cliff isn't that easy to get, you know. . ." She said, "just keep trying and he might join," she decided to look away from Lars-the-douche.

"Well, It's obvious, isn't it?" Lars laughed sarcastically, "wouldn't find someone with his skill anywhere though."

"Talk to him, will ya?" James said then took a gulp of his beer. His eyes were fixed to Alexandra now as he felt his conciousness had begun to slip off a bit.

"Can't promise you," she shrugged. "Gotta get out of here before someone kicked me out," she zipped up her leather jacket.

"Kicked you out?" She was about to stand up but James had asked with his low voice that was barely heard.

"I'm not eighteen yet, not supposed to be here," she gave him a lopsided grin. "Okay I'm not staying any longer, see you all someday." She stood up and walked away from table number 05.

Lars, who didn't believe his ears was about to call her back but she'd already left. James with his confused face, too drunk after two bottles of beer, couldn't proceed what he had just heard either.

Ripping Wounds [James Hetfield]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang