Planes and Pain

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For the third time, Venus tried on the lavender dress and checked herself out. It hugged her curves and pooled in at the top, it was beautiful but Venus was still unsure.
You see, she loved her body, no doubt in that, but that didn't stop her from wanting to be thinner and fitter. But whenever she did she remembered her dad's words "At the end it doesnt matter what you look like or what you wear...all that matters is what you've achieved and you know your papa loves his cupcake no matter what."

She looks at herself for the last time, checks if she has packed everything and walks down to the larger than necessary living room where the rest of her crazy family is running around. It almost looks like an asylum....almost. She wonders if she should pack some straitjackets for the 8 hour long plane ride with them.

Her brother Xavier was running around making sure that their private jet was ready to depart as soon as they reached the airfield. Her elder sister Zola was looking for her hand mirror which she swore she had packed in the night before. Her other elder sister Leila, Zola's twin was trying calm everyone down and losing her patience because all her efforts turned futile when it came to calm the mafia don who was being scolded at by his wife for eating cake before checking his blood sugar. If only his men saw him like this...they would realise how their boss's wife was more dangerous than the boss himself.

It was going to be one long plane ride.


After fastening her seatbelt Venus told  her mom to wake her up in an hour or two and drifted off into deep sleep. She dreamed of sunny days and warm and sandy beaches and beautiful sunsets.

Venus woke up to the sounds of gunshots and her hand immediately went to the swiss army knife she had in the band on her thigh. She opened her eyes and saw her sister watching an action movie and breathed a sigh of relief.

It was one of her greatest be in a helpless situation, not being able to protect her family. This was also why she had begged and begged her father to train her since the age of 14.

She went back to where her parents were sitting and sat beside her mother and laid her head on her shoulder and looked out the little plane window.

All she could see was miles and miles of  the ocean.

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