Beautiful Pain

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Massimo hadn't realized what he had said. Even if he had to his understanding Venus wouldn't get it.

But she did. She knew who Laura was. She knew what was going to happen. She knew her happy little bubble was  now going to burst.

Massimo called Mario and started to get  ready to go. He reached the door and turned back at Venus.."I'll explain everything later. But right now I HAVE to go."

Venus nodded. She couldn't say anything. Because if she would she'd cry and beg him to stay but she knew better. So she watched him walk away as her heart broke into tiny little pieces.

There was only one place she wanted to be her mothers arms.
So she ran to her. She ran before she could break down into a mess.


Aurora Valentzas' heart ached to see her daughter like this. Someone had broken her heart and she couldn't even do anything about it because her daughter had begged her not to. Venus had cried in her arms for hours before succumbing to much needed sleep.

She felt her husband's presence before she saw him. He pulled her into his warm embrace and they both looked over her daughter, distraught and unable to ease or take away her pain.

This was the first time her heart was broken. He had never let anyone get so close to her daughter that they could even cause her any pain. But she had loved him and he loved his daughter. There was nothing he could do now. He felt powerless and Andreas Valentzas hated this foreign emotion.


All Massimo could think about now was his Laura, his beautiful Laura, his love, his life, the meaning of his existence. Nothing else mattered. All he wanted was to have her in his arms and never let go again.

They soon reached the airport and waited for the flight to arrive.

After a few he saw policemen escorting the most beautiful women he had seen in his life, his Laura.

Tears clouded his eyes and he ran to her.

She saw him and all the worries of the world, all that had happened to her, all her pain just went away.

They both hugged each other and kissed each other with a raw passion.

He couldn't believe she was back. That his heart was finally back at the right place and everything felt right.

They sat in the car and enjoyed each others presence in silence. Laura looked exactly the same, the way he remembered her, but something about her looked different. He couldn't help thinking about her pain, the way she had been found.

He had seen it all. He had spent almost half his empire to get her back and at this moment it was all worth it.

Then suddenly Venus' face flashed in front of his eyes. He didn't know what he would do when he got back. He didnt know how he would explain to either of them what was going to happen. He didn't know himself. All he knew was that Laura was back and he was never going to to let her go again.

Heyyy guys so I know I know it's been really long since I updated last. So the thing is I'm trying to think of more shows or movies because honestly I love writing spin offs and alt sequels.

But, oh my god the love that you guys have shown is the thing that motivates me to keep going and thank you so muh for the support. So please please keep voting for the book, it really means A LOT.♡

I recently started another one based on Euphoria where in I introduce a new character Venus(I know, i just love the name i m sorry;p) who is Jules' twin sister and it's basically all the drama and shit that goes down from her POV. I would love for you guys to check that story out too.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2020 ⏰

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