Hephaestus Cabin Secrets

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Hephaestus Cabin Secrets

"So, you can sing," commented Leo, causing me just to smirk at him.

"One of my many talents."

"Don't let that fool you," Aidan leaned over the table, "It's one of her only talents."

"Hey!" I complained, "Tengo muchos talentos! I can build for one."

"I would hope you can." mocked Aidan.

"I can do math!"

"So can I, and I'm almost six years younger than you!" 

"I can skateboard. There! Beat that!"

Aidan didn't answer. I must've stumped him! Little victories are the best! At least I'm better than the children of Nike. I looked over to the Nike table to see a set of twins, gods! What's their names? I feel like I've heard it before. Some types of plants? Anyway, back on track, the two girls were racing to see who could eat lunch faster. 

"Leo? Who are the Nike girls?"

Leo looked where I was. "Holly and Laurel? They're always competing for something."

That's it! Holly and Laurel! I knew it had something to do with plants! Look at me, succeeding in life.

My thoughts were swirling so much I didn't realise that I had finished eating until I went to take another bite only to come out empty handed. "Good gods, that sucks," I muttered to myself.

Leo tapped my shoulder, and I looked over, "Calypso and I are taking you three to the cabin."

I nodded. "I've been there, you know? In our time. I just don't know what bed I'll sleep in."

I stood up, as did the little versions of my parents, and Aidan. I picked up Emmy and put her on my hip. "Ready!" I exclaimed.

I looked around the hall to see the TTT (stands for Time-Traveling Troop. I made it up. Thank me later.) all going with the younger versions of their parents. You're probably all curious as to who was with who, so here's a list. (I'll take a cookie with that thank you!)

Hephaestus Cabin — ¡Yo! And Aidan and Emmy too.

Hades Cabin — Bianca and Sammy

Apollo Cabin — Naomi and Maria

Ares Cabin (Frank was apparently staying there, because Mars/Ares, you know? R.I.P. him though, imagine staying with Clarisse? Could never. (Don't tell her I said that. I value my head)) — Emily

Athena Cabin — Luke

Poseidon Cabin — Zoë, Ethan, Charlie

Aphrodite Cabin — Tristan, Jayden

Zeus Cabin — Skylar

When we reached the Hephaestus Cabin and went inside, Leo pointed out three slots in the wall. "Those three are empty. I'm not exactly sure what to do with Emilia? Those two go to the same place, so I bet that she can just sleep with you, but it isn't a crib."

"She doesn't sleep in a crib anymore." I informed him. "She sleeps in a toddler bed. But since we visit from time to time, I can help with that."

I went to one of the beds, and typed the code, 2229. Instantaneously, the area turned into a toddler bed. 

Leo looked impressed. "Impressive, chiquita. I didn't know it did that. Learn something new every day."

Calypso frowned, "Does all your cabins do that?"

I shook my head, "Don't worry, Mom. It's literally just this one. You're stuck with the Gizmo Crew."

"What's a gizmo?" 

"It's a slang word for a gadget that is over the top, and does way more than it should. Uncle Jason calls us the Gizmo Crew, since everything we do is over the top and special. But, that's it for this episode of; Hephaestus Cabin Secrets. Tune in next time for more."

Aidan rolled his eyes, "Holy Hephaestus, Lena. You don't have to turn your life into a show on Hephaestus T.V."

"You know if I had a T.V. show, it would be the best comedy you've ever watched."

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