chapter 2

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the gang find themselves on a respawn in the middle of loon rows of things like shops and houses and apartment.the entire placed as if no body had cleaned it years. 4 was almost afraid of the touching the building because they look so fragile they seemed like they could collapse just by sneezing on them.

'ummm...i don't want to be rude or anything buuut your hometown looks kind of...'

Ellie chuckled.'i know, i know, trust me when i say this isn't too far off the the best I've seen it in.'the octrains were very dedicated and devoted to a small number of prioritises; if something wasn't one of their prioritises they would simply ignore it. residential maintenance certainly wasn't one of them.'like-i don't...maybe less dusty, less debris, the walls looked a little more firm, the real mystery is they there's no one here! the place normally has a bunch of suction-cup lookout soldier no matter where you go!'

'wait, yeah only suction-cup lookout and no where else?' asked 3 who was already roaming around trying to find clues. 

'oh! i should probably you're an official member of the octo army you get assigned a  district; like how Marina was assigned slimeskin Garrison;and each district has their own residential site-in this case, octo avenue!'

'oh, reall-' but before 3 could finish her sentence, they all heard static coming from their hero headphones.

'h-hey! t-this is Marie!*static*can you hear me?'

'yeah...but you're breaking up a bit' said 4 as she inked her surroundings.

'ooooh!this is so *static* f-fresh! it's me Callie!'

'yes Cal, we can it's you...'

'he-he! have you found anything yet?'

'no...not really' 8 answered.

'look who we got  here!' a voice suddenly said. everyone franticly looked around, trying to who said. but they couldn't find any thing. then, suddenly out of the shadows stepped out an elite octoling! they also had a small group of normal octoling with them; all with different weapons. 'i knew that they would have send you agents; but i remember you?' she pionted at ellie. 'i mean... what's up with the helmet?'

elena sweated nervously 'i-'

'you what? doesn't matter, once an agent always an agent!' she said while charging up her splating.

all the octoling suddenly lunged at them. 4 doged some of thier attacks, but still got accidently hit; witch made her unintentionally throw a splat bomb that seemed to stunned a little bit. 8 managed to out run then splat a few of them. 3 kept throwing auto bombs at them. 'oh! this is rediculous!' said the elite octoling hiding in the ink. she got up into her humaniod form again and punched out 3! all the other octoling followed her and tried to get close to the remaining agents.

'hey, what the-' 8 was knocked out. she to hear 4 being knocked out too before she passed out. 

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