chapter 1

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every day is not a TYPICAL day in the house of the Demonets' just yesterday my sister gave birth to my niece/sister Alice she is so beautiful, but she is a sin.. from my dad's seed. and all of my sisters are married to him. and next its me 6 months from now and my stupid mom goes along with the flow


" you are not allowed to go outside, outsiders hate us" mom shouted at us " no one is allowed in this house u will be married to only one man and its your father got it" me, anaida, Aaliyah, aniesha anesha,adelina,alessia, amira, nod in union

our parents had us 1 year after the other I was 1 at the time never really understood, so we live in this mansion with maids as our tutor never really know about the outside world, I remember when I saw a phone for the first time it look like a black mirror and when I touched it I lit up I ran to my room, same time the maid came out and she hid and teach me how to use the phone because all my sister were lack of brains but they were kids and then-


I am the regular girl in this house everyone wears 18 century clothes I wear 21 century clothes my maid Ashley buy my clothes from the outside world my parents don't approve but I don't care anyways im still gonna be married to that sin.

I came down stairs and the newly weds are eating each other faces on the couch, how disgusting while Anesha is taking care of Alice she was married to dad 4 years ago

" Akayla sweetie why don't you get familiar with Al" Mom motions me to my own father, he grabs me and placed a wet kiss on my jaw,while anaida and him are groping each other i really hate this but he grabs my waist and see that im not wearing any of their ridiculous dresses, he slapped me in my face and spits in my face. Mom and Alessia let out a loud giggle,

" why aren't you in clothes you are practically naked, u HORE !! , are begging me to make love to you, harlot wait your turn" my father spat,

i really glad that he did that instead of kissing me, but me begging him for him to make love to him i felt disgusted so i ran upstairs to my bedroom and threw up anything that came up, that i didn't even notice Aaliyah in the bedroom

" what are u doing here Aaliyah to mock me" i screamed at her

" No Akayla you know i wouldn't do such thing, im your bestfriend remember you can tell me everything" she tried to comfort me.

Aaliyah and Anaida were my best friend until Anaida got greedy for attention and became a stuck up bitch. She hasn't talked to me since. I can trust Aaliyah with everything, i remember when she was in the same situation as me, getting married to the devil,.. she tried to kill her self by jumping of the high storey balcony , I for one though she died, but she just had brain damage which caused her to lost he memory but she is getting on fine she still remember me

" You know im not gonna marry Al , I need to runaway I need to run away and your gonna help me. please you see what dad is doing to us, Aaliyah he is a monster he is our own flesh and blood and he is making us his wives " i cried in her arm

" Sister the only thing i can tell u is just go with the flow i mean its not that bad i mean u don't have to met those evil people from the outside world" my sister spat

I cringed

" if i ,marry him im gonna kill myself and you don't want that i mean it plz sister im begging you ill try to get u out here too please." i showed her my puppy face i know she can resist my puppy face

she rolls her eyes " ohk meet me at the balcony at 9 that's lights out for everybody and time for dad" she spares the details i nod in happiness and hug her

'' i love you sis hope you know that" i said while hugging her

" well lets go back to eat breakfast i must be cold by now and plus im famished '' my sister ran downstairs while pulling me with her. i saw mama Ashley, my maid the same one who taught me how to use a phone, came in the living room taking the breakfast away, i saw Aaliyah grab a slice of bread and gobble it down quick. she moan because of the softness of the bread , i had to supress the laugh coming from my mouth

i nod at mama Ashley knowing after this is class so i just grab an apple and head down to classroom. Ashley teaches me alone because im the smallest and im doing well academically, im currently in college (one) and the rest is still in high school, except Allesia shes coming on from elementary to high

" Good Morning Akayla i really love your outfit" Ashley complimented

" thank you mama Ashley " I gave her a big bear hug

she laughed while she tried to escape and I held her more .

she's really like my mother to me i called her name first when i was a kid

my mom was furious and whipped her, how does she expect me to say her name when she didn't take care of ,me?

we go over the advance civilization of the indigenous people , but i was getting bored

'' mamma Ashley i really want to go to a real school i mean i am really fond of you helping me but i need friends, i have sisters but they are busy living their sinful life -" mama Ashley cuts me off by giving me the best news ever

" i might have a way please follow me" i followed her with a large smile on my face

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