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We arrived at a mansion shortly after this mansion was very similar to the Demonet manor , I came out of the car and Aaliyah was sleeping, carlos took her up and carried her to the house I on the other hand walk to the door of the house carefully examining it

" what are you looking for?" Lucien asked

" I am looking if there is any extra locks here to indicate forced stay" I answer

" well ms Demonet I can assure you if this was a forced stay you wouldn't enter through this house it would be through the dungeons where I keep my animals" he barked

that's where he stays,

" so if you'll excuse me I have an function to get ready for and since you ran away from home I suggest you stay here I don't want my name in any magazine saying im a kidnapper" I bluntly answered and left me outside

I open the door to the most magnificent house ive ever seen gold and black everything my favorite colours I smiled at the maids as they see my walk by there scrunched up face tells im not welcome so I called for carlos

" carlos? Mr. Westley Senior ? ANYBODY" I asked

'' excuse me mam Mr Senior sent me to escort you to your room where you will be showering for later activites'' the maid smiled

at least I got a room, and are these maids robots

I followed her to a room which I think its mine

" this is madam Aaliyah's room and alexander they are currently sleepin yours is two room after here, and next to Mr. Lucien " the maid instructed

she should me a room which is soo beautiful btw it is the same outline as the whole house black and gold trimmings I must say anyone who built this house has a sense of style

I thank the maid which I learnt her name was mary

I jumped right into bed only to think about my sisters living there unholy life

first it was Amira she was the perfect daughter she knew what was going on and she accept it

then Alessia she had sex with al [ our father] before the marriage she and mom are so called best of friends

then Adelina she is always quiet she never talked unless talked to but she is always lost

the twins Aiesha and Anesha are the stupid ones they got pregnant the same time they got married Anesha lost her baby and Aiesha had Alice. anesha had a big fight with mom and then poof she had a miscarriage. how coincidental!!

then Aaliyah she was a rebel like me I cannot tell how much time she snuck out to shag lover boy guard, then Alessia found out that cause dad to push the marriage quicker and raped her, she stop seeing guard boy and subsequently she found out she was pregnant, thinking it was dad she tried to kill herself and jumped of the balcony she went into a coma after that. we found out I mean I found out that the baby wasn't dad but the guard xander . she had a premature birth with him and he was called alexander and after that my mom Agatha lost her last kid and found out she was barren now, so she whipped Aaliyah out of coma and cursed her saying that her baby is a sin and a abomination of God

but Aaliyah lost her memory which mom told her she lost the baby and she had alexander but they treat alex bad the locked him in the dungeon no food nothing to eat only me and Anaida gave our dinner to him and we use to steal Aiesha bestfeeding to give him until dad found us and whipped us 10 times

anaida never talked to me after that

then last sister as mentioned before Anaida she was blunt hard working loving u didn't have to ask her twice for help but until we feed alexander and dad caught us she became distant we were bestest of friends, but then me and Aaliyah became friends and I accept things at they are.

I cried to the remembrance of what my sisters became I mean they were the best ever


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we placed our self in order

" ouch my hair stop aiesha" anesha cried

" quiet moms is gonna here us" Aaliyah shushed

" ohk we just distract the maid while I go grab the cookies" Amira instructed

me, Anaida , Alessia , Adelina Anesha and Aiesha went to the made complaining for Aaliyah loosing the gold doll that we own and surprisingly it worked Amira grabbed the cookie jar and rushed upstairs

" ou miss arty we found the doll thank you and goodbye" Aaliyah said as we ran upstairs following Amira

'' everyone two cookie for each and when we are finished we hide it in the least trouble maker in the house" Amira said point to Adelina

we quickly eat the cookie and brushed her teeth and no one spoke a word to anyone after

ahh those were the days

I felt a little sleepy now so I went to bed hoping something better would come about later or tomorrow

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I woke up with Aaliyah curled up to me as always she couldn't sleep sometimes so she came to me

I pry her hands of me and went to the bathroom I brushed and teeth and shower and I saw a white shirt that looks fairly new so I took it and put it one I enter out the door to be hitting a wall again

I got to stop walking into people

I came face to face with Lucien looking hot with morning hair and pjs?

he looked at me with amazement and shock as if I have on oh wait this shirt must be his

" Ms Demonet I see you found clothes I was just gonna sends some clothes for you and your sister " I looks at me from head to toe I had to blush towards the certain contact as he touched my hand, I just ran down the corridor and locked myself in a room

what was that \??

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