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this is probably the last time i would see my family including Ashley so i went to THE ROOM this is the time for their orgy so i just fly the door they were moaning each others names i spot Aaliyah in the far back i slipped a tear for her having to go through this but its the last time i try to close the door in time for them not to see me but Al saw me

"bitch you couldn't stay away huh?, well i guess u can sit over there while i finish up my wife or should i say wives" they all join in laughter Adelina is usually quiet so, i took a seat and watched the most horrible sex of life

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its almost 9 and i haven't seen Aaliyah yet i think i should go and check on her i came in to hear moaning on top off her lungs, i pulled the door seeing her having sex with the guard the both drew off each other while i was there in shock

this is more shocking than finding out everyone here is bisexual

" can you knock sis im finishing business here" my sister scold me

" i should be telling you its almost time and your here ' finishing business' what if dad finds out ''

'' this is the last time im doing this i had to make it special" Aaliyah rush the guard out

'' sooo how long has this been going on'' i asked

'' before i tried to run away and he remind me a couple of times that we were together but that mind blowing sex made me remember everything" my sister squealed

i tried to look happy because im kinda upset that she can have that and i don't

" well we only have 20 minutes left so hurry grab the bag and lets go " i whispered

'' well if you were listening or seeing i just shagged a guard who guard the gates to leave here and he is currently in the bathroom showering so we have an unguarded gate, so we have ample time to escape" my sister sounding smart for the first time

i followed her to the back exit but i remember something

'' wait liyah alexander '' i remind her

we went down a more further and saw alexander sound asleep still flesh and bones but at leash he is alive i grabbed the keys and open the grills i grabbed my brother or should i say niece

the reason why alexander is black sheep is he isn't really a demonet we found out that al/dad raped Aaliyah at 17 but at the time she was fooling around with the guard so she thought it was Al kid so she try to killed her self trying to jump off the balcony which she lost her memory and she had and premature birth but mom was pregnant at the time which she lost and she turned barren after so she turned alexander in a curse saying alexander killed her baby I was 16 at the time

we made it through the maid chamber to collide with mama Ashley

'' what are you doing are you trying to get yourself killed what are you doing here and with alexander- ouu and hello Aaliyah dear'' mama ash whisper shout trying not to wake up alexander

'' when i came home late and u almost lost you job u were busy scolding me and not giving me a chance to speak well, i panicked at school and i left i ran into the city which i fainted and this man he helped me, i mean he instantly knew i was lying about my name and i told him name and i begged him to help me and my sisters he accepted and he offered to help me and he is on the outskirts of the manor waiting on us he said i should meet him at 9 and we are kinda late'' i rambled to ash

'' akayla are you hearing your self right now you are trusting your freedom to a man that you don't know and you expect me to let u go, i might as well let you stay here and marry that monster" she whisper-shout.

i think for a while and she was right but something about him made me trust him instantly maybe it was his beautiful face and his strapped body made my body trust him

"mama please if you would like you can come along get away from this mess'' i try to convince her

" you know i cant go even if i leave what would i go too '' she asked

i think for a while and though about what she is saying

'' mama i will come back for you but in the mean time i need to go i don't want an opportunity miss me like that'' i hugged mama ash and we left

we sneaked out to the back gate and we walked briskly in the woods were we saw the black car parked up waiting on us

we were greeted by the man that offered to help us an another guy that looked similar to him

'' hello Ms Demonet and Ms Demonet i am Carlos Westley-Senior '' carlos shake our hands briefly Aaliyah on the other hand was pink my sister is the really free going meaning she will shag anything but i love her any way

we followed and made our way to the backseats were mr mystery men was

'' does he talk, does he have a name, akayla what did you do to get such help from such handsome men'' my sister whisper to me

" trust me i asked his name and i haven't got a answer'' i told her

'' well you haven't try enough let me try'' me sister motions me to move

'' my name is Aaliyah Demonet and your name is? '' she bat her eyelashes to him

" mam that isn't gonna work but if you insist to know my name is Lucien Westley-Senior son of the Mateus Westley-Senior, and the kid is waking up so i advise u to look at him before it starts to cry


'' alexander is not an it and he doesn't cry he has never cried before he is traumatised enough have you ever grown up in a dungeon so don't call him it" i retaliated

" akayla he is doing enough to help us he is free to call us anything he like" my sister scold

" no Aaliyah i think respect is enough too" i shot back

the ride was silent after that i mean silent

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